01. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
02. I respond by asking you five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature. Or not so creepy/personal.
03. You WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions. (Yes, sir.)
04. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
05. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
gilraen79 asked me:
1. If you could make out with any one of the X-Men, who would you pick? Movie version, Wolverine. Comic version, Kitty Pryde.
2. If you could be any female Disney character, which one would it be? Oh god. Pocahontas I guess? I haven't seen that movie, but I imagine she's the strongest Disney female.
3. What are three things you definitely want to do before you die? 1) Fall in love. 2) Travel the world extensively, including but not limited to: Europe, NZ/Australia, Japan, and Malaysia. 3) Write, and publish, a book.
4. Is there anything you regret? I regret not taking better care of my stomach last Nano. ;)
5. Knowledge or power? Easy - knowledge!
citibyrd asked me:
1. Are you superstitious? No. Though I do avoid walking under ladders, just in case. And I've been known to knock on wood.
2. Would you rather be a superhero or a supervillain? (And what would your powers be?) Superhero of course! And I'd love to fly. And read minds. And travel though time.
3. What book have you read the most times? The Harry Potter books I suppose. I'm not really one to re-read books. If I do, you know it's good.
4. What's something you don't like to admit that you like? The cheesy pop music I started to enjoy once I got over my all mainstream music is evil phase. I've been known to bop along to Britney Spears and 'NSYNC. *hangs head in shame*
5. Can you roll your tongue? Wiggle your ears? Are you double jointed? etc? Yes, no, yes. The back of my thumb can rest quite comfortably against my forearm. I can also flap my hand around so quickly that it slaps both my forearm and the back of my arm. I used to fascinate and amaze my elementary school mates with this trick. I wouldn't dare do it again now, for fear of wrist damage. Ah, age.
The very accurate two-question quiz. Seriously, I think everyting here is true.
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Thanks for taking the test !
you chose BX - your Enneagram type is NINE (aka "The Mediator")
"I am at peace"
Peacemakers are receptive, good-natured, and supportive. They seek union
with others and the world around them.
How to Get Along with Me
- If you want me to do something, how you ask is important. I especially
don't like expectations or pressure. - I like to listen and to be of service, but don't take advantage of this.
- Listen until I finish speaking, even though I meander a bit.
- Give me time to finish things and make decisions. It's OK to nudge
me gently and nonjudgmentally. - Ask me questions to help me get clear.
- Tell me when you like how I look. I'm not averse to flattery.
- Hug me, show physical affection. It opens me up to my feelings.
- I like a good discussion but not a confrontation.
- Let me know you like what I've done or said.
- Laugh with me and share in my enjoyment of life.
What I Like About Being a Nine
- being nonjudgmental and accepting
- caring for and being concerned about others
- being able to relax and have a good time
- knowing that most people enjoy my company; I'm easy to be around
- my ability to see many different sides of an issue and to be a good
mediator and facilitator - my heightened awareness of sensations, aesthetics, and the here and
now - being able to go with the flow and feel one with the universe
What's Hard About Being a Nine
- being judged and misunderstood for being placid and/or indecisive
- being critical of myself for lacking initiative and discipline
- being too sensitive to criticism; taking every raised eyebrow and twitch
of the mouth personally - being confused about what I really want
- caring too much about what others will think of me
- not being listened to or taken seriously
Nines as Children Often
- feel ignored and that their wants, opinions, and feelings are unimportant
- tune out a lot, especially when others argue
- are "good" children: deny anger or keep it to themselves
Nines as Parents
- are supportive, kind, and warm
- are sometimes overly permissive or nondirective
Renee Baron & Elizabeth Wagele
The Enneagram Made Easy
Discover the 9 Types of People
SanFrancisco, 1994, 161 pages
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The Quick & Painless ENNEAGRAM Test written by
felk on
OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the
The Dating Persona Test I just finished 1x11 of Heroes. Eep!
Aw, Hiro fell in love! She was a sweetie too. :( I guess it's good Hiro can't change the past. That would make things too easy. He has to fight dinosaurs now?? SHIT.
Peter is the one who blows up New York? (Is it just NY or does that end up blowing up the world?) Well, if he wasn't suicidal before...
I LIKE HAITIAN. I am truly surprised that he didn't erase Claire's memory. And he can talk! Maybe he's a good guy tailing her father? Her very conflicted Am-I-A-Good-Guy, Am-I-A-Bad-Guy father. This is starting to remind me of the X-Men, where you have superhumans divided into "Save the world" and "The humans can go fuck themselves" camps. Maybe he's not a bad guy, he just has a different (less noble and humanitarian) vision for the world. Though I do not like his methods at all. Taking away a small piece of time from his son is one thing, but taking away Claire's best friend? Harsh, dude. HARSH. It will be interesting to see Claire's fakery around her father now.
I LOVED the Back to the Future reference in "Six Months Ago" when Hiro talks to himself on the phone, looks at the camera, and says "GREAT SCOTT" with a thick Japanese accent. Adorable! I need an icon of that. Speaking of, that episode was phenomenal. I remember people talking about that when it aired, and it was truly mindblowing. This show is a lot like Lost. Anything could happen, and so much happens with each episode. Hopefully following seasons are stronger than Lost's.
Did you know that "cheerleader" in French apparently is "la pom pom girl"? I've watched some episodes on
Peekvid (what can I say, I'm impatient) that have had French subtitles. Seeing French and English subtitles on the same screen (in the Hiro and Ando scenes) is truly disconcerting. Also, a curt "fine" supposedly translates to "bien."
And psychic girl (I forget her name) turns out to be good! Sacrificing herself so that Sylar doesn't have her power in addition to all his others. Good girl. Nice that she got to talk to Mohinder before she died (who I admit is looking hotter and hotter each episode. The academic leanings help, as does his accent). I was also disappointed that they didn't kill Sylar when they had the chance (didn't they break his neck? I swear I saw that), but like Hiro I guess the show would be no fun without the serial-killer-on-the-loose suspense. Isaac sure isn't going to be happy. I'm curious that Sylar broke the glass so easily though. Does that mean he could have done that at any time, and he was just waiting for an opportunity? Creeeeeepy. When we first saw him, all geeky and uptight, I swear I got weak. So hot. I know that actor from somewhere, but I can't place him. Six months later, he's less hot, more unattractive psycho freak.
On to episode 12!
Finally, my roommate made an interesting observation the other day. She said that she can always tell what I'm watching on TV from the sounds I make: "You shriek when you're watching Supernatural, and you cackle when you're watching The Office." I think I do both with Heroes.