1. I don't know why I'm so tired. I didn't sleep much Sunday night, and Monday it was really difficult to keep my eyes open. Monday night same deal, but Tuesday I had this hectic energy that carried me through the day and I felt fine. Then I went home and crashed, sleeping till mid-evening and then for 8 hours last night. And today, soooo tired. Geez.
2. I've finished the first disc of my new season two The Office DVD. Sooooo awesome. I'd forgotten how adorable Jim and Pam were together. I do like Jim's new plotline this season though. I'm starting to really, really love just how horribly dorky and idiotic Dwight is. I just might need the
Dwight bobblehead now.
The results are in! Lost is the faraway hit on my flist. You guys love your Jack/Kate/Sawyer, which I can tell every Wednesday night. The close runners-up: Veronica Mars and Grey's Anatomy - no surprise there! In the middle of the pack are Studio 60 (doing so well for such a new show!), Supernatural, The Office, Gilmore Girls, Prison Break and Bones. I'm going to have to make more of an effort to watch Bones. I was watching it before the new TV season started, but then I forgot about it again. :S And the shows only a few of you watch: The Amazing Race, Desperate Housewives, Survivor, My Name Is Earl, and How I Met Your Mother. And, most importantly, you all love me. Awwwww.
3. Lost! I decided to watch the hour-earlier Canadian episode, and now I'm trying hard not to post spoilers in
discussion thread. Someone made a prediction, and I almost posted that they were right, but then looked at the time and realized the show hadn't progressed that far yet. Oops.
I totally called that that greenhouse was for pot growing. Explosives? Pffft.
Cop boy was HOT. I assume he was the guest star I heard everyone and their sister squeeing about earlier. I'm glad Locke didn't shoot him, but for some reason I really expected him to. I wonder how he "cleaned up his mess" with the pot house then. And I wonder if cop-boy's assertion that Locke was suggestible and easily swayed sheds any light on the validity, or lack thereof, of his island hallucinations beliefs. I guess we didn't have any resolution with that flashback, did we?
The sweat lodge spirit quest was cooool. And that was totally the Boone-hallucinogens he was using too. Oh, peyote. I like trippy sequences like that. I can't wait to see all the caps and people making speculations based on all the allusions and foreshadowing. Like why was Hurley (and I guess Desmond?) part of the airline staff, and everyone else was a customer? It was neat to see Benry (staff too, I guess!) security-checking Jack with an evil look in his eye.
Also? I've NEVER found Ian Somerhalder attractive, but Boone in this episode was fucking hot, man. Must be the long hair. I have a thing for bedhead.
I'm glad Locke is going to look for the Others and try to rescue Jack, Kate and Sawyer. 'Bout time.
Also, the main guy at Locke's flashback camp, the one at the head of the table and who was freaking out about the weed - isn't he one of the Others? A dead ringer anyway.
And it was uber strange when two completely new cast members were included in the end-of-show collective freak out about Jack, Kate and Sawyer. Like, hello there. I guess you guys were supposed to be here all along.
Is Desmond psychic now? Neat. Great legs, and can tell you the winning lotto numbers. Well, we already know those.
Supernatural friending meme!