Does anyone still watch this show? It's like crack. I need my crack.
(Can anyone point me to a torrent for last week's episode? I really missed my dose and am so haaaaaaappy and flying high now that I have it again. I'll never choose Grey's Anatomy over you again, Survivor. *pets*)
I'm an Adam/Nate shipper now! Did you see how they were cuddling? SO CUUUTE! They really did good and held out with the weights for their team, and better be getting good sex tonight. With each other. Oh yeah.
Dreads chick, who I normally love (those thigh high blue socks are the BOMB) was really bitchy during the challenge. I was almost hoping she would be the one sent to Exile Island - but instead it was the guy I hate. AND I LAUGHED. Oh god I love this show.
"The immunity idol is either not here, or I'm a moron." Heeee. He's not a moron. Not for that reason anyway.
Okay - the group of three breaking off, going to the other island, and running into the other tribe? That was FUNNY. Them overstaying their welcome and generally being a pain? That was RUDE. I would've liked to have seen the tribes talk more about that, but maybe it will factor into future episodes. Such as, they all just screwed themselves for the merge. The first thing the tribe said when they saw them? "Great, it's the three we don't like."
Grey's Anatomy: Thank god for Canadian television (which I variously praise and curse), meaning the new episode aired again after Survivor. Woot!
McSteamy, puke, explosion. What a great opening sequence!
Aww that Alex wanted to get away from gyno so badly but then came back.
That was a really sweet message from Denny, and MY GOD, is insurance that lucrative or was he rich? Jeezuz.
McSteamy and Callie - hee! George is going to feel so inadequate.
McSteamy is quite the jerk to work with though, eh? Yeouch.
And pooooooor Burke. I'm glad he and Cristina came to an understanding. I almost cried during a few of those scenes.
So what do you think Izzy will do with the money?
On the sick front, I'm still not up to par. But I got some antibiotics yesterday for my ear infection and am feeling marginally better. Hopefully the weekend will bring much improvement.
ETA: To follow up on my recent post:
women outnumber men in online gaming. Are
Neopets and
Gaia considered online gaming? If so, I guess I'm a gaming geek. I've been spending waaay too much time on the latter this week.
ETA2: IT'S FRIDAY THE 13TH OMG!!! *fleez in terrah**