I'm so excited! Harry Potter fans, y'all are going to be so proud of me! I got EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS on the grade two W.O.M.B.A.T. (Wizards' Ordinary Magic and Basic Aptitude Test - the HP test for muggles) on JKR's website!
Those will look SO PRETTY framed and hung next to my other school diplomas. Though we all know which I'm prouder of. ;)
I'm extra excited about the EE because on the grade 1 test I got "Acceptable." It feels a little lackluster to not ace your just-for-fun-fandom exam, but it does reflect my actual educational experience, where my marks increased as I went up through the grades.
(Also, I have a doctor's appointment for tomorrow about my ear. They feel better when I first get up, so I feel okay now, but they're already starting to ring... Oh, yes, it's plural now.)
(And the image isn't showing up fully on this new layout -- yes I have new layout. Haven't announced it yet because, as you can see, I'm not entirely happy with it. Can anyone tell me how to switch my comments page back to the default page? I've done that before, but LJ has changed some things around, and I can't find that option anywhere now.)
ETA: I changed my layout to something else with a better comments page. Still not thrilled though. :S