(no subject)

Nov 11, 2008 16:39

hai santa!

so, I think I was pretty clear in my requests, but then I would think that, so let me just blather on and maybe you'll see something interesting.

Dark is Rising

I'm not in the fandom, first off, so I'm sorry if you are and this is something that's been done a million times. feel free to make it more interesting to yourself. I don't mind, honest. I just find Jane wicked interesting; she's so quicksilver changeable near the end. she could be anyone in the future. that's what I'm most interested in. Will, too, but he's more timeless than Jane is, I don't see him changing as much. he and Bran are sensitive boys, though, I'm sure they can keep up with her.

as far as a plot or romance or what have you, that's totally up to you; I mentioned something I'd like to see, but I'm not married to it or anything, so go with what moves you. I do wish you'd write Bran in, even if you do gen; I just realized that the request sounds like I only want him for threesomes. *g*


I'm the only person in my particular group of friends who ships the two of them, or even is interested in het in this show, and I feel so lonely sometimes. keep the tone of the show, please, because that's what interested me in the show to begin with. gen is perfectly okay, but I'm not really interested in smut for them. I just find them so adorable, man, I can't even deal.

Sky High

I really have no idea why I want this, and I don't have much to say about it. Warren is my type, more so than Will is, so through Will's eyes, if that's possible.

Howl's Moving Castle

OH PLEASE FILL THIS IN FOR ME. every time I read the books I go 'but when! where!' it makes me so sad. it's actually pretty distracting. I feel kind of sacrilegious requesting it, though.

that didn't help at all, did it.

think of it as following along with an episode of - something. we did it all the time in XF, although most of them sucked... you take my point, though. :D?

thank you!