Finally done with driving class. The instructor had me drive on the beltway during rush hour. D8 Scary! We ended up hitting all but three stop lights, too. <<; Bleh. I also have my college class tomorrow. I hope the teacher will be understanding about my being sick when my mid-term was due. ;___
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I hope your teacher understands too ;___; I actually heard that profs are pretty easy on cases like that.
I totally agree on that rant. I don't even want to touch PS2... YET.
I want a Wii for the sake of Twilight Princess though :'D
As for your dad... I usually treat my dad to dinner as a gift :3
I hope so! I really don't think my confidence could handling failing my first college class.. ;__;
Do you mean the PS3? <<
Nice thing is, you can play Twilight Princess on the Gamecube! :D And it's a beautiful game! Too short though. Xp
I was thinking about that, but he's already planning to eat out, since we haven't cooked much since mom left.. I was thinking maybe a book, but he'd have to take me to the book store... Maybe I could shoo him away and buy a manga to hide the fact that I bought him something! :D
I'm sure you'll do excellent! Put in the effort and BELIEVEEEEEEEE!!1
Uh... 8) Yes
I don't own a GameCube! *flail*
ROFL, hmmmm! I'm not quite sure. Maybe some new jeans/pants/shoes? :D I ALSO DO THAT AS WELL.
I want to cook for you and Kana, but i fail at cooking. (imma learn just to cook for you guys one day, i promise :'D)
Just checking 8D I see no reason, either. Especially with Blu-ray! *gags* Regular DVD works just fine, thankyouverymuch! I have no desire or means to spend hundreds of dollars for a combined game system/dvd player. Since when one breaks, so does the other! Then you're S.O.L.!
Really? :O Maybe I could send you ours! 8D
No sense in getting him clothes, he got some new clothes recently and my brother tends to borrow and ruin his clothing... <<;;
I want to learn to cook too! But I'm not sure how or where. XD Maybe we can have a get-together and all cook something to share! :DD
DOWN WITH BLU-RAY. Sorry, I'm sure it's going to enhance everything, but it's just more money wasted. I'm probably going to love it in the near future (because I had the AIR opening in Blu-Ray quality and... WOW. SERIOUSLY. WOW. STUNNING...)
You're so sweet! Thank you, but it's quite alright :') ♥
DARN, UMMM. CANDY? Or maybe something he really needs? I'm sorry, I'm bad at stuff like this ;~;
Who knows~ You may just find one in the mail someday! >8D
I'm bad at it too XD I ended up getting him Samurai Warriors 2 Empires, since he loves the Samurai / Dynasty Warriors games. :3
YES! We can have a picnic! And maybe a camp out, so we won't burn down any buildings! 8D
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