But eeee your team looks awesome! |D And congrats on the fourth badge and stuff. I personally adore all the new improvements they made to the new game, though. The graphics are nice to look at, but...meh. I think they're over-glorified imho. What I REALLY like are all the smaller features - improved Itemfinder, Shaking Grass feature, Seasonal feature, ability to add more than one item to your "Y" button list, etc. I haven't tried the new Game Sync feature yet, since it's not been implemented yet (Mar. 30!), but I hear good things about it, sooo.
Also I hope your jeep gets fixed and you get some TP! >x /throws some your way.
<333 I haven't seen the seasons feature implemented yet, but it seems neat. :'D My main beef is with the boxes and how much of pain in the ass it is to do anything. The HG/SS system was fine, geez. And I still can't get my fucking page/browser/whatever to let me type without skipping or being a pos. DX
It's fixed! The mechanic is going to take dad to the shop tomorrow. \|D/
Well, it should be implemented now, right? Whenever you turn on the game it should say what season it is in game at the time. I currently have Autumn. The seasons are randomly chosen (I think) when you start out and change every month. So next for me will be winter, obviously. AND YES THE BOXES. Auuuugh, I do not like the new box mechanism in this game. BT Not at all. And I have no fucking clue what the "Battle Box" thing is.
Yeeeee! That's good to hear! \8'D/ Here's hoping it stays in good condition for a while!
\>3< I'll just have to get whichever you want onto my Black somehow~
Uh, mine and dad's are both Autumn also, so I guess? I haven't seen it affect anything, so. :/ BUT I'M GLAD WE AGREE ABOUT THE STUPID BOXES, UGH. From what I can gather, you put Pokemon in the battle box if you want to challenge others with them? idek. And all the connective features are useless for me. Infrared is only for DSi, right? I don't get the Entralink either.
I still have to transfer my Celebi and dogs over to get Zorua and Zoroark. :|a
:o Huh. Mimi got Autumn too, I think. HOW STRAAAANGE. And apparently in Winter, certain areas become either explorable or...nonexplorable, I forget which. BUT YES THE BOXES. AAAUGH THEY'RE SO WEIRD AND OBNOXIOUS. I hate how when you open your party, it goes TO THE LEFT AND NOT RIGHT. Like...I want to drag my party to the box, you dipshits, so I can switch pokemon hnnngh. And bleeeh. I probably won;t ever use the battle box. 8\ Anddd...I do not know. I wanna say yes to the infrared, but idrk. And I don't get that either, so. 8|a
But eeee your team looks awesome! |D And congrats on the fourth badge and stuff. I personally adore all the new improvements they made to the new game, though. The graphics are nice to look at, but...meh. I think they're over-glorified imho. What I REALLY like are all the smaller features - improved Itemfinder, Shaking Grass feature, Seasonal feature, ability to add more than one item to your "Y" button list, etc. I haven't tried the new Game Sync feature yet, since it's not been implemented yet (Mar. 30!), but I hear good things about it, sooo.
Also I hope your jeep gets fixed and you get some TP! >x /throws some your way.
<333 I haven't seen the seasons feature implemented yet, but it seems neat. :'D My main beef is with the boxes and how much of pain in the ass it is to do anything. The HG/SS system was fine, geez. And I still can't get my fucking page/browser/whatever to let me type without skipping or being a pos. DX
It's fixed! The mechanic is going to take dad to the shop tomorrow. \|D/
Well, it should be implemented now, right? Whenever you turn on the game it should say what season it is in game at the time. I currently have Autumn. The seasons are randomly chosen (I think) when you start out and change every month. So next for me will be winter, obviously. AND YES THE BOXES. Auuuugh, I do not like the new box mechanism in this game. BT Not at all. And I have no fucking clue what the "Battle Box" thing is.
Yeeeee! That's good to hear! \8'D/ Here's hoping it stays in good condition for a while!
Uh, mine and dad's are both Autumn also, so I guess? I haven't seen it affect anything, so. :/ BUT I'M GLAD WE AGREE ABOUT THE STUPID BOXES, UGH. From what I can gather, you put Pokemon in the battle box if you want to challenge others with them? idek. And all the connective features are useless for me. Infrared is only for DSi, right? I don't get the Entralink either.
Not holding my breath, but yes! \|D/
:o Huh. Mimi got Autumn too, I think. HOW STRAAAANGE. And apparently in Winter, certain areas become either explorable or...nonexplorable, I forget which. BUT YES THE BOXES. AAAUGH THEY'RE SO WEIRD AND OBNOXIOUS. I hate how when you open your party, it goes TO THE LEFT AND NOT RIGHT. Like...I want to drag my party to the box, you dipshits, so I can switch pokemon hnnngh. And bleeeh. I probably won;t ever use the battle box. 8\ Anddd...I do not know. I wanna say yes to the infrared, but idrk. And I don't get that either, so. 8|a
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