I'm beginning to think I'll be playing catch-up on comments forever with how I can't seem to finish one without starting two more. This is a good kind of fail, I think, so long as I don't give up on stuff. 8|;
Now for that wonderful real update: (
This got really long. wtf. )
Are you sure it's the soap causing the blisters? That just sounds bizarre to me. What sort of soap have you been using?
You know, I have a Lorelei in my head, I just haven't brought him out to play for lack of icons, hurr.
I have a fairly good idea that it could be the soaps after searching with the term "small blisters on my hands". There's both bar soap and the liquid kind (I don't know what brand or how old they are), and that's one of the few things that's different from before we moved in. :|
If you're after animated, flaming Lorelei icons, I made a few a long time ago. XD Most people seem to use ending!redhead for Lorelei too, probably thanks to Irohabako's art. |D
I might be interested. XD And that can probably be blamed on Yuuhiya too, hurr. Speaking of which, I need to get a move on with the next Last Distance, hurr.
I have them posted at judaiko somewhere, and I can link to them directly if you want. XD I love how I mention Irohabako and use a Yuuhiya icon. DERP. Eeeeeeeee♥
I can look around. o7.
Okay~ \o\
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