Mar 10, 2010 08:28
The fact it really shouldn't bother me as much as it does is frustrating. Now I'm finding myself doubting every aspect of how I play.
I'm going back to finishing Dave's frilly prosecutor game. /throws hands up in the air
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If I shouldn't 'play that character' or have to stick to dressing rooms and the like, I almost want to throw in the towel and say "fuck it" because I'm obviously doing something wrong. And unfortunately I think I only have until tomorrow to submit a rewrite of my third-person sample with no idea of what to write. orz
And... dude? How many people have commented to this saying it's not your fault? I may not have said as much verbatim, but we're all basically telling you the same thing. Don't let something like this take the fun out of it for you. You can always reply to their request of a rewrite and ask them for some pointers. Say "I'm completely boned on subject material, can you throw the first word at me that comes to mind and I'll work off that?". Most mods will be happy to do that, you just have to be willing to ask.
;~; You're seriously like my big sis who beats me up for being an idiot and then turns around to make me feel better. I've never would've considered doing anything like asking for a prompt-word if I don't see anyone else doing so. I have this ingrained fear of being a fsking oddball that people point at and whisper about. orz
fffff. Except I'm younger than you. But... good, I guess. I have a habit of being brutally honest and a lot of the time I wind up feeling like an ass post-mortem so I turn around and try to make up for it. And man, if you're the oddball that people point and whisper about, embrace it. You.. are kind of an oddball, and look at how many people love you for it. Don't worry so much about what a bunch of strangers think about you-- if they can't grow to like your weirdness, it's their loss anyway.
Thankfully there isn't much work in the way of modding ADR, I just... suck at wording things in a coherent manner most of the time. My communication skills are sub par, to say the least. Though if you don't mind helping me with that part, I'll gladly accept. |Da
Only in actuality. In real world experience and emotionally, I think you're years ahead of me. <<;; And that's why you can frustrate me to the point of want to smack something, but it never lasts. Hehe. Sometimes your insistence of how much of a bitch you are is annoying when you really do care and just don't sugarcoat things. :|b
Ah, I guess normal isn't the best or easiest thing for me to be. But I've always seen that abnormal = harassment magnet, and well, you pretty much know my issues. :x I think I will ask about possibly being given a prompt so I have something to work with. At least one person on the app review team seems familiar with Abyss.
Yeah 'cause it's just kind of a free-for-all. If you wanna give me the basics of what you want said I'll be more than happy to post it. :|b
Lot of people tell me that. /headtilt idk I don't think I'm all that mature in any of the senses unless the situation calls for it. And ffff, I frustrate a lot of people. ...I do and I don't, depending on the situation, and most times it's just easier to say "bitch" then "righteously opinionated blunt-talker".
/Gibbssmack. What've I told you about hiding behind your issues, kid. Grow out of them already, you're never gonna change if you keep focusing on what has happened and how habits are hard to break. If you keep shoving the problem aside instead of confronting it, you're not trying and are never going to break your habits. :|
I'm just glad we don't have any wank or harassment going on. Everybody pretty much behaves themselves. I shall dig up what I have written and IM it to you. :'D
Probably because you don't just whine about petty shit like most people our age do? idk. Aha~ It's your obstinate nature that makes me do a Luke headscratch. ...but I think that long title suits you very well. XDD
/cowers ;; Check my number in the profile, boss-lady. It's not as easy for me to change as it might be for you. Our mentalities are wholly different. Different strokes for different folks and all that jazz. :|b I know you're right about my issues, but one thing at a time.
You and me both. But like I said in... one of my posts a while back, the wankability left when a certain someone who I won't mention (no that is not a Harry Potter shout out, Voldemort > this person BY A LOT) did. And I know that I'm certainly happy about that. ffff.
...idk I feel like some of the crap I bitch about is relatively petty, but I also maintain the belief that people are on my friend's list because they want to be and if they have a problem with my journal they can gtfo. >_>;;
NCIS was on all day at work, I was so happy. We usually watch the weather channel but it was on USA today. I put on the captions and rewatched like five episodes from the first season. *A*;; And you're doing it again. "You know my issues" and "check my number" are the same thing. :| /is not patient at all.
I still can't take Voldemort seriously when they call him, of all things, He Who Must Not Be Named, fffff.
Well sure, that's how life is. We all need to vent when something bugs us no matter how small it may seem to others. Hence why blogs/journals are popular. And the only thing I tend to have problems with on your journal is issues that I feel like I should be able to help with but can't. <<;;
SO MUCH BETTER THAN THE HAMMY CRAP AT THE PHYSICAL THERAPIST'S OFFICE. XD Man, I can't even remember if I've seen the first season. Am not. The 'you know my issues' bit was the easiest way to say you know for the most part all the crap I've gone through; it wasn't meant to be an excuse. :| /pokes repeatedly
That and he's... the Harry Potter villain. :|
I just hate it when people whine about things and expect to be showered with love and pats on the back. Especially when they ignore other people's complaints and/or whine more about something similar having happened to someone that resulted in a negative effect on them. ...did that make sense?
...You have a physical therapist? Bringing up the past is still an excuse for your actions now in the way you used it. /bites.
That too. ...y'know, I'm surprised the Japanese haven't abbreviated the series to Haripo or something equally amusing yet.
Pffff, yes, it makes perfect sense. I vent when I need to and if my friends have some suggestions or kind words or such, I'm not about to ignore them, but I certainly don't expect it. And since I have a hard time being harsh on people, I tend to sympathize. :x
Sorta but not really? I went in for an evaluation last week and once they get an okay from the insurance, I get to learn stretches for my back in their people-fishtank. \o/ It's not as though I can just ignore everything that's happened or pretend it doesn't affect me, because it does. A person's past experiences and relationships shape who they are today, you know? /flails
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