Jan 29, 2010 09:37

Dear Squeenix,

You. Suck. Missing and/or leaving in a glitch that prevents me from ever being able to finish FFIV DS does not endear you as a company to me. Even more so than before. Keep your shitty games. I'm taking my money elsewhere. Worse still is that it was a fucking present.

No love, me.


In less frustrating news, I finished glorious' request from the other day. HOWEVER, it is NSFW and even less safe for your brain. If you value your eyesight, you won't click this cut.

It was fun drawing it and throughout I pretty much knew how I wanted it to come out, so maybe that's why I like it. Haha. |D

for friends, gaming: final fantasy, tales of the abyss, art, wtf, crack

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