I always run out of titles.

Dec 27, 2009 20:32

Your card made it here safely, nachte! Cutest one ever, though I have to admit to staring at the redheads more~♥ |DD I'll have dad take your present to the post office once there's a parking space, ahaha... *__*;;

Many laughs were had while silentdrifterz was over for a few hours before her parents snatched her away again. Baaaaw, Taisa~ ;; Though when we went out, I sat on the seat belt buckle and now my ass is sore. :| We also watched the movie Up. aklsdjf so damn sweet. I recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it yet.

Tagged by eggstasy!

Once you are tagged you must post this in your journal and list 6 of your weirdest habits/tendencies/facts about you. They can be serious, silly, ridiculous - whatever! Then tag six more people at the end.

1. Never worn jeans in my life and won't. I hate the way denim feels.

2. I've noticed that icons influence the way I play a character, so I try to use ones that fit what I have in mind. :x

3. I enjoy learning things and collecting knowledge, but I fail at putting any of it to use. "Doing" has never been my strong point. I daydream my life away.

4. Despite being the most concerned about eating right and being healthy, I have (arguably) the worst health in the family. Go figure.

5. Focusing on just one thing is impossible for me. Hence why I usually have three art programs up at once. ...this could explain my failure to get anything done.

6. Almost every night I have really vivid dreams that I can't remember for more than a couple minutes after waking up. Sucks since they're epic.

TAGGING artes, meimi, murasaki_seiko, nachte, wildsaber, windychimes, wire_birdcage. ...WHAT'S WITH ALL THE 'W' NAMES.

friends, books/tv/movies, meme

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