Dead internet is dead.

Aug 18, 2009 04:50

Today was/is a pretty lonely day... And I feel anxious. *sigh*

Bah, somehow I want to get a hold of Yuuhiya's newest doujinshi. Luke ♥ at chickens! Post-game redheads plus kidlet! See icon! I'll probably need to go through my stuff and see what I can sell. Maybe some or all of my Kingdom Hearts stuff... Ugh.. Sucks that I ditched almost everything I had last time we moved already. >__<;

...I'm still a mite confused by her name, though.

夕陽屋; 夕陽 can be せきよう or ゆうひ for 'setting sun', and 屋 (や) for 'house'.

So I guess it's something to the effect of "Sunset House"? One translation site gave it as "Sunset Shop".

夕希; Seems simple enough. 夕希 is ゆうき or ゆき.

Still musing. Will be adding more.

....I think the drool that Shade got in my mouse might be messing it up. o__O;

animals, doujinshi, ref: japanese

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