Boring life crap.

Jul 07, 2009 10:15

Sorry, double posting. orz ( Read more... )

life, family, hope, health, roleplay

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solerika July 7 2009, 19:21:45 UTC
True, but you know me and my penchant for pleasing people. :x I'm a doormat that bites, swear to god. For SSI, I think I get a check on the first of every month.

You're probably right about her, but I can't bring myself to just up and leave without saying something to her. I don't want to be something I hate; I want to give her a last chance to be part of my life. But I look at it this way, either way some good should come of it. If she's an ass, we get to move east, she tries, I get something of a mother and it gives us time to save.

Shit, my last wisdom tooth is like bliss compared to everything else. I love going to the dentist and other than the weird feeling of it getting yanked, it was no problem. XD

:o That makes too much sense, you know that. And no worries about the pasta part, we love the stuff. \8D/

Dave's mattress has a hole somewhere and he hasn't been able to find it. :/ I plan on hitting Austin sometime soon, so I'll try to remind dad to stop in at the Mattress Firm and check prices. X)

fffffff needs to be a Luke, 'cause he spazzes epically~


toomuchhairgel July 8 2009, 22:12:20 UTC
/chomp And that's useful as shit, particularly if you get close to the same amount every month. It's like getting paychecks without working, you lucky son of a bitch.

Yeah. It's better that you do that rather than be like me and just write her off and largely ignore her attempts at conversation. :|

You... love going to the dentist. You have got to be one of the goddamn weirdest people I have ever met, D.

Good, then! Pasta is good and pretty easy to make lower-in-fat. Also idk what your thoughts on cauliflower are, but you can make low-carb mashed "potatoes" from the florets that are absolutely delicious. 8D

:\ That's terrible. But those air-things aren't meant for long-term sleeping, I learned that the hard way. Just cover the entire thing in duct tape.

Nono, fgsfds. Not a keysmash. My kitty!Asch icon works for keysmash. More commonly, fgsfds is attributed to the Science Finger, or one holding up a single index finger whilst explaining something in order to look more intelligent than the statement they're making.

I'm thinking Koushiro.


solerika July 8 2009, 22:21:11 UTC
Hey, I'd rather be able to get out there and have a job. I feel like such a fucking failure. DX

The problem is she doesn't try conversing. :|

...I also prefer going to the dentist AND the gynecologist to having my blood drawn?

Cauliflower is broccoli that failed to turn into something edible! XD; I'll take my green crap, thanks.

He screwed himself over by quiting his job too soon in MD. :/ I actually thought about the feasibility of dipping it in super glue.

....I always thought fgsfds was a keyboard smash. .__.


toomuchhairgel July 8 2009, 22:31:35 UTC
No you wouldn't, trust me. It's no fun. And at least you have legitimate issues, yanno? It's not like you want to have trouble. You're not that masochistic.

Exactly. Mine largely sends me forwarded chain letter emails and asks me what I'm doing, so she can know when I have free time to look through the house for her belongings and then send them to her (and she can then not pay my father for it because "I gave the girls [x] article of something which equates things you haven't done for them despite the fact that you're housing one and regularly sending money to the other".). /rant

Fffff that's a lie, but 'kay. 8D; Sometime I'll make them for you and not tell you, y'really can't tell the difference. Same texture, and just barely sweeter than actual mashed potatoes. :o

There is that, but I've done the same. Secretly I'm a tiny, female twin of your brother and that's creepy. Superglue may not have been a bad idea-- remember in NCIS how they super-heat it and use it for fingerprints? You'd just need a large facility and a... lot of tiny tubes. .__.;

XD Nope! I figured as much, and it looks like one. It started out as one, I think, and was just given further meaning. Special people are born on 4chan, and those special people give birth to special, special conceptual ideas. :|b


solerika July 8 2009, 22:42:03 UTC
...there has to be some people out there with jobs they enjoy, so I keep trying to think there's one out there for me. And I guess 'officially' having issues beats just being a loser. orz Nah, I'm not. Maybe. Like when I was explaining to Dave; I told him he's the masochistic one and I'm the sadistic one.

*pats* Your mother is quite the piece of work, let me tell you. I've encountered a good deal of people in my life, but she's something. :x

That would work for me! Sometimes my mind just automatically puts things in the 'ick' category no matter how good it looks or such. XD;

I swear to god you are and it IS creepy. Good thing I like my brother. XD ...go go super glue fuming? 8U

Goody for them. It'll always be a damned keysmash in my book, because if someone wants to be clear about something, they can leave off the 4chan crap. I only go there for the porn. XD


ichiban_striker July 8 2009, 22:58:42 UTC
It takes a certain kind of person to enjoy their job, really. Because while you can enjoy aspects of it, if you work doing what you love there are still a million and four things to hate. Coworkers, office politics, managers, the fact that maybe this wasn't what you wanted after all... And then when you find something you do enjoy, things bite you in the ass and you lose the job. 8| Pffft.

Yeah no shit. I've encountered a lot of people in my life too (although I won't mention names, /cough), but my mother is one of three or four that take the fucking cake on asshattery. And people wonder why I'm such a bitch.

I'm willing to try anything once which is how I've eaten horse and sea cucumber, the latter of which I do not recommend, and I find I'm pretty far on the opposite end of picky. :\ I like food, plain and simple.

Maybe that's why we get along so well. We're ...not-siblings. /is dizzy just thinking about it

Pfffhahaha. It might make more sense once I've made the icon, because it won't be a keysmash in the context I'm planning. See also, Hojo.


solerika July 8 2009, 23:06:59 UTC
Ffff this is epic; you're negative about almost everything I have some positivity for. XDD Good to know I can help educate my brother.

No names needed. We like generic brands. |Db ...a cake fucking on an asshat. Interesting mental image.

I generally will give anything a go unless the it honestly revolts me to the point I can't hack it. xD Sea cucumbers don't even LOOK decent.

Trufax. And I didn't have to deal with you being a complete ass as a teenager. XD fffff FOR SCIENCE!!

l-lol. Harold and Hojo can talk nerd at each other.


ichiban_striker July 8 2009, 23:43:52 UTC
I've got weirdly-placed pessimism, idk. Always a plus.

...You would try to envision an inanimate object undergoing intercourse. The question is, is it fucking on an asshat, or is it fucking the asshat? o__o

Usually it's smells that do me in. If something smells rancid or one way or another (see also; cinnamon), it either makes me dizzy, lightheaded, nauseous, or some other unpleasant something that makes me no longer want to imbibe any sort of edible. In the sense that they're vaguely phallic, or that they just look gross? XD

This is probably a good thing. I was a scary thing as a teenager. SCIENCE. HAS FAILED. OUR WORLD.

P-pffft. I had to froth at Cakes when I saw that Harold in talesofdressing forever ago.


solerika July 8 2009, 23:53:36 UTC
I have to be suspicious of anyone that's too optimistic. |D And he's the one with experience. Go figure.

I've read Tetris porn. I can't help it anymore. ...we'll save a lot of trouble and say it's fucking an asshat on another asshat. \8D/

It's like you have a dog's nose or something. XD I've mostly gotten past the phallic problem, it's the fact they're ugly critters. XD

We'd have eaten each other alive. OVER. AND OVER. AGAIN.

I knoooow~ ;; I would be all over playing Harold if only I knew wtf went on in Destiny 2. orz


ichiban_striker July 9 2009, 00:07:28 UTC
4srs. Ah, but you have the ~internet~.

That sounds fine.

More or less. I'm also bothered by weird things. Catbox, doesn't bug me. Trashbag full of cat shit that has been sitting on the floor in the bathroom inviting maggots into the house since the roommate "cleaned"? Bothers me! Cinnamon, makes me lightheaded. Cinnamon buns, om nom nom. idfk. Can't fault them for how they were born.

Or completely ignored one another's existence, as that's what I did in high school. Epic levels of apathy smattered with occasional glee over stupid shit. SPIIIIRIT MOVES THROUGH ALL THINGS-- /System of a Down

I'm sure you could find a plot synopsis somewhere.

Also we're breaking your layout so I'ma shut up 'cause your styled comment pages drive me up and down all four walls of my padded jail cell.


solerika July 9 2009, 00:21:02 UTC
Hence why I'm surprised he didn't know the meaning of sadist and masochist. |D

There's just no explaining how anyone's brain works, let alone one's own. X) are not guilty tripping me into feeling sorry for a sea cucumber of all things lmao.

Whut, no teenage angst drama fests? XD ...NO COMMENT

It's never quite the same as experiencing the game tho. :x

FFFFFF. It does the same to me, but I've given up on caring. XDDD


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