The letter of the day is: F.

Apr 27, 2009 12:22

Today is such a fucking failure, gods. It's been doing nothing but thundering and raining, and it's going to keep thundering and raining all. damn. day. There goes my plans of finally doing the doll-sanding thing. The only real reason I hope we don't lose power is so I can keep listening to my music. I would put it on my Zen but, akjsdfkladsf, Dave shuffled my shit around and now I can't find anything.

Can you tell I haven't slept yet?

While I'm bored out of my skull, I'm too damn tired to do anything that requires hand-eye coordination. Coloring icons is good since I won't lose/get killed/chuck the controller when I screw up. Click. Edit. Undo. Click. Edit. Undo. Even when I'm drawing that's what I think when I need to erase. Sad.

- I'm just waiting for the tree to snap whatever line it's caught on and send us all up in smoke. That would show mom. Hah. - I fail at editing layouts. Why does 3 Column have to be so hard to work with?

Looks like we're going to be stuck in Texas for god knows how long. Joy oh fucking joy. At least that'll give me time to get my last wisdom tooth ripped out if I don't die from asthma or something first. My mouth isn't big enough for even one of those damn things.

Dunno if anyone cares, but icons are going to resonated now. They'll still be copy-pasta'd to my old comm, but that's only because I'm an organizational nut.

Okay, I'm done for now.

life, family, random, hobbies: bjds, health, rant

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