There are spoilers for glee in the post in which I complain about someone writing spoilers for glee.
Spoilers: Doesn't really follow anything but you know Quinn got pregnant, got kicked out, and gave birth, right?
Actually, some people don't know. Of this I am 100% sure. I'd kind of get saying this if it was about a year later, but the last episode of this season only ended LAST WEEK. IN AMERICA (and probably other countries, but not living in them makes me not pay as much attention to their television schedule.) There are other countries that, you know, haven't aired every episode, yet. I assume most people knew that Quinn would have her baby in the last episode, but it's still very dumb to use that spoiler.
So, consider people. Yeah, yeah. I get that you were probably trying to be cute and stuff, but wait until it's, like, Star Wars old or The Sixth Sense old to write your spoilers like that, tyvm.
I only
fanficrants wasn't really a giant beast who hates everyone who posts there, I would put this up there. But that may risk being written ~to soon after another spoiler rant~ or something. >C