
Feb 19, 2010 22:53

India Foxtrot Yankee Oscar Uniform Charlie Alpha November Uniform November Delta Echo Romeo Sierra Tango Alpha November Delta Tango Hotel India Sierra, Charlie Oscar Papa Yankee Alpha November Delta Papa Alpha Sierra Tango Echo India Tango Tango Oscar Yankee Oscar Uniform Romeo Lima India Victor Echo Juliet Oscar Uniform Romeo November Alpha Lima. :)

Sorry about this, but I was too proud of myself not to post it. :3

And now for something completely different, here's a story of a lovely lady, who was bringing up three very lovely girls that I was too lazy to type, so I just copied my facebook status.:

I... think I just made an Olympic skier fall by magic? The reporters said 'it's amazing that he hasn't been injured, yet' and my mum said they shouldn't say that and jinx him because it IS amazing. I said 'just one more person needs to say it, now. Amazing he hasn't fallen, huh' and literally immediately after I said ...that he went flying. ~magic~

full of myself, meme, look ma no hands, :)

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