This will NEVER get old
→ +Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
→ +Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
→ +Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
→ +This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!
icons chosen by
ohcaitlynne Gaila and Uhura! They're both so pretty (and holy crap, Uhura's cheekbones). They were probably my surprise pairing from the new Star Trek movie. I remember coming home from seeing it and thinking 'Gaila and Uhura were pretty damn comfortable getting half naked in front of each other... but there's never as much femslash as slash, so there probably won't be any fan base. :(' Oh, how I was proven wrong~ So I had to get an icon. ...and they all lived happily ever after, the end.
Usagi! Just a while ago I re watched Sailor Moon (it's so much better in Japanese! Zoisite makes a much cuter boy~) I uploaded this back when I didn't have much smiley icons and needed one to post happy time posts. Now I have a large amount of :D :D :D icons, but this... well, it's this.
iharthdarth!! Best Star Wars Comic EVER. Padme knew there was still some good left in Anakin. Forget that he killed younglings... Forget that he killed the one black guy. ...turned out there wasn't any good...
Oh, hay, one that I made! This one is... pretty self explanatory. That was all I could think of during that scene. ...and that was pretty much the only screencap from that bunch that coloured well.
And a quote from The Big Bang Theory. I will leave with only this: Story of my life.
The end!