Wow, here's that meme that I said I was going to yoink from
rinnakins a while ago.
Hi, my name is: Samantha. If I had a nickname (that wasn't Sam) I'd tell you that, though. I hate Samantha.
When I’m nervous I: Um... bounce my legs a lot? But I do that a lot, anyway...
Last night I: Um... watch the Star Wars extras on my laptop, then washed my face and brushed my teeth, then I went to sleep?
Were you a planned baby? Yeah.
Were you the first? First and only.
Do you have low self esteem? Meh, I don't think I do.
Are you happy right now? At this exact moment, or generally? At this moment, I'm mostly sleepy, but generally, I'm happy.
Are you comfortable with the way you look? Yeah, I get bored of my looks, sometimes, but yeah.
Describe your hair: Um... mostly, it's just past my shoulders, but the fronts (or the fringe or whatever) it's to the middle of my cheeks. And it's red.
Ever been kicked out of a bar? I've never been in a bar.
Do you prefer indoors or outdoors? THE SUN IS TRYING TO KILL ME! ...indoors.
How’s the weather? This is central Texas. It's HOT!
Do you like thunderstorms? Yeah, unless I'm trying to sleep, then they're annoying.
Are you a vegetarian? Yeah.
Anything you absolutely could eat forever? Um... no?
What is your favorite dessert? I don't like desert much, but chocolate pie, I guess.
Do you want to get married? No.
Been married before? No.
Are you truly in love? Um... no?
Where is your cell phone? In the side pocket of my My Chemical Romance book bag.
Cheesecake. WHERE? You aren't allowed to taunt me like that!
Your dream last night? Well... first I was, like, pregnant or something. And for the safety of the baby I had to either take hormones or have a brain biopsy. Then there was something to do with a dog and ice cream. Then someone knocked on my door and it turned out to be Fall Out Boy, and they all took Polaroid pictures of themselves and signed them for me and Andy was, for some weird reason, teaching me how to play my bass, and was impressed with all the hula hoops I had (wtf?) because I guess they had something to do with drumming...
Your favorite drink? Dr. Pepper
Where did you grow up? The place of which we do not speak. I mean... the planet of Naboo. Yeah, that's totally it.
Tattoos? No
Ketchup? With everything
Your computer? A red vaio laptop named Cuddy
What are you thinking about right now? Um... well, I just thought 'What are you thinking about right now?', since I read it, but otherwise, I'm wondering if I should say I'm ready to go birthday shopping to my grandparents.
Favorite color(s)? Um... Green, Red, Blue, Black, Grey?
When is the last time you laughed? Last night.
Last received call? Um... a long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away.
Part 9: LIFE
What friend knows the most about you? Um... my cousin?
Who do you blame for your mood today? Well, I don't have much of a mood right now. Sleepy. So, I guess my mum, since she makes me sleep at night.
What should we do with stupid people? Make them wear shirts that say 'I'm doin' it wrong' all the time or something.
What is making you sad right now? Um... nothing?
What was the first thing you did this morning? Laid in bed and looked at the clock and thought 'do I have to?
Last person you went out to dinner with? Um... I ate dinner with my grandparents, uncle, and mum last night, but went out to dinner was with my mum.
Do you drink lots of water? No
How do you vent your anger/sad? Well, things get broken...
What theme does your room have? Um... the 'put all the crap you can fit in here and then some' theme?
Are you a mama’s child or a daddy’s child? MAMA'S. NOT DAD'S AT ALL. I don't like my dad, much...
Who was the last person you took a picture with? My mum or grandpa...
Last person you went to the movies with? Mum.
What did you do/will you do for your birthday this year? I'm having a Star Wars party! (17, so mature.)
Is anything alive in your room? Well... me, when I'm there.
Today, would you rather go back a week or go forward a week? Forward.
What are you looking forward to right now? My birthday.
Part 10: IF YOU HAD TO
If you HAD to dye your hair a color what color would it be? Well... right now it's dyed red. I'm thinking brown and white for the next color, then red again, then maybe magenta... and pink.
If you HAD to get a piercing (not ears) what would you get? Eyebrow.