teenagers scare the living shit out of me.

Jan 20, 2008 02:39

I have a super power. It is the only explanation. I told one of my old friends that I knew someone that watched Hannah Montana, and that she should watch it (to see if I could make her). She did, and, last I know, sang songs from it. I told my cousin that she should watch Degrassi and South of Nowhere, she did, and now she knows almost as much about them as me. I told my mum to watch Death Note with me, now she looks forward to the new episodes. I told my mum to watch America's Next Top Model with me, she did, and she ended up watching even when I wasn't with her. She liked some My Chem songs and thought Gerard was pretty cute, now she knows every member of Panic, My Chem, FOB, and most of The Academy... and what they play. I told my mum she had to watch Star Wars with me, she couldn't wait for Episodes II and III after we watched I.

Almost all of these are things that people thought they wouldn't really like. I have Jedi mind trick powers.

tl;dr? In shorter words, then, I. Am. Pretty. Odd. Awesome.

Also, I have to go to the stupid ortho monday. All the way up in Greenville. DAMNIT.

bands, magic, star wars, rl

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