On this week's 'Lost Girl' episode...
I enjoyed this episode. For one thing, they finally started doing a bit about the arc/the Garuda plotline which has been the one thing not really working with the series this season, IMHO. (I'm not saying it's bad, just that this is a relative weakness of this season so far.)
Other random thoughts/comments:
It was an interesting ep for Kenzi, among others. It looks like Hale has more than friendly feelings for her -but Nate saw her first! :-) Another interesting aspect is that the fae secrets Kenzi is keeping are making things a bit difficult for her and Nate, although things seemed to be fine between them by the end of the episode.
Bo killed another bad critter, with a lot of help from Kenzi and a tank of liquid nitrogen. (It was in the kitchen of the mansion belonging to Hale's family, so the only explanation I can think of for this is that they're into molecular cuisine...? LOL.)
Hale is a *really* nice person compared to his family. Really.
And Dyson is just going down in flames -he doesn't seem to care about anything anymore.
Curiouser and curiouser.
Random unrelated comment: I will say that the wonkiness of lj is making me reconsider switching to a paid account: if there are this many technical problems upon using the free version I really don't see the point! (In other words, today lj decided NOT to let me have all the usual options for editing my posts. I tried to figure out if there was a way to turn this back on from the FAQs but I didn't find anything. Way to go lj.)