I recently read the most recent reviews for the well known review site
Godawful Fanfiction and was rather disturbed. For those who don't know what this website is about, it is a very well
known site which gives reviews of truly awful fanfiction from a variety of fandoms.
Bea's comments/personal opinion: I truly liked this site until recently, and I would say that I until
their most recent posts I had found all their reviews to be spot on and truly hilarious.
Recently, reviews were posted for 'godawful' real people fiction, 'Rugrats' and a new review
of a piece of 'The X-Files' fanfic. Now personally, I completely agree with the fact that the
fics selected were *godawful*. What I wonder at and don't agree with is the citing of
long sections of fics which were truly sickening. As an example, I personally feel that
anyone who feels the need to write in detail about a four year-old child being raped by
her father (and includes details about which objects were used to violate her, etc.) can
only be described as a sick fuck. What I don't understand is why the reviewer(s) felt the
need to comment on such a fic at all other than to say that it was written by a sick fuck,
and why they decided to repost part of the beginning of this fic. Why not just say that
some sick puke decided to write about a child being raped and leave it at that? I'm
sure most of us don't need more details than that.
And to my mind, this comment applies to the other fics they recently posted to the
site. One fic involved boiling (or was it frying?) breast tissue or whatnot because
some other sicko was obsessed with breasts. Um, does reviewing this fic
really need long sections posted verbatim? Why not just say that some people
are seriously *disturbed* and need some serious therapy?
And hey, one thing I liked about this site was the snarkiness in the reviews.
Their earlier reviews of various Mary-Sues for instance, and of some
truly godawful porny fics, had me in stitches.
I truly don't mean to sound preachy or strident here. And for the record, I
certainly am not and have never been associated with the Warriors for
Innocence (I believe that was the name of that group). However, the
latest reviews posted on this site simply disturbed me.
(Preachy mode off)