Jan 28, 2006 14:13
I'm reading Things are Meaningless by Al Burian at the moment...my absolute favourite bit. Is he describing my life???:::
"Life ebbs and flows. It seems to be a pattern that people and situations align and things seem so perfect and magical for a while you can't believe it. These sorts of things happen all the time.
And I wonder: Does this cycle just go on forever? Right now I'm in the valley, waiting for the next peak, the next alignmnet of circumstances and people which will convince me that life is awesome and magic. But just because they have tended to come with alarming regularity, does that mean another one will come?
And besides, you can't just keep moving and shifting and re-aligning forever. You have to grow up some time."
My question to...to I'm not sure who...is have the good times and magical coincedences come to an end? I need to know it's not over, just a sign would be good.
are you there god, it's me etc