Brice and I ate the endless shrimp at Red Lobster. I consumed at least 35 shrimp, finding my favorite flavor to be the garlic scampi. The rest of that evening was spent burping up shrimp ghosts.
Soon I'm going to start riding my bike to work, if I can find a safe route to take. Bicycles should never share the road with a car, I don't care what anyone says. Especially the long, winding, narrow road I normally take. All these rich people live along this road, but somehow they haven't put in a sidewalk? For some reason I thought rich people would demand a sidewalk.
Had lots of customers today backtalk me at the register. Picture this vicious cycle of annoying, tedious conversation repeated about 10 times:
-"Ok your total is $100"
------"What? Those brushes are on sale, I saw a sign"
-"These brushes ARE on sale, for $13 each."
------"No no no honey, you aren't listening to me. The sign said they are 40% off"
-"40% off the manufacturer's list price, making them $13 each."
------"Did you hear what I just said?? That's 40% off, and I get a 10% discount with my preferred customer card"
-"Your customer card is only for non-sale items, and it takes 10% off the total sum."
------"And I've got this coupon for 30% off one item"
-"The coupon is only good for non-sale items as well, and everything you have here is on sale except for this $3.99 palette knife. Do you want to use your coupon for this knife, or save it since it doesn't expire until Oct 12th?
------"Well I'm here aren't I? You don't expect me to drive all the way out here again do you?"
-"If you want to look around and find something not on sale to use your coupon on, take your time."
There are 3 outcomes to this cycle.
1. The woman takes her purchase to another register, trying it all again with someone new until convinced we aren't going to change the price.
2. They decide to go ahead and buy everything, and use their coupon to save 40% off $3.99
3. They tell me to put back most of the stuff, and get a couple things.
But I'm thankful I didn't get this woman at register that Katya rang up! So I'm rearranging moleskine books, when this woman shouts at Katya:
------"Now this is just disgusting customer service, I can't believe this! When I hand you something, you hand it back to my hand, do you hear me??"
-"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you" Katya says politely.
------"Well I'm just not going to accept that; if you can't hand my card back to me then maybe your manager can!" [thankfully Stoney was standing right there, and had heard everything]
He explains to the woman that we apologize, and next time will make sure to hand her card back to her hand now that we know her preference. She continues to say she doesn't accept our apology, that she's never going to shop here again. Thankfully Stoney didn't give her any percentage off her sale, I'm sure that's all the cunt wanted.
Besides these two tales, nothing really outrageous has happened while I'm there. One night a customer was there until 15 minutes after we close, and the closer was telling her she had to make her final selections, and she shouted at him that she wasn't cattle. That's pretty good.
There are lots of creepy stalkers at work too. The silver lining to that the girls get to go back in the break room and hang out until they're gone.
So I'm beginning to be more comfortable with strangers, and by that I mean comfortable being rude to them because I continue hate them.