Tutorial 10: Yuuko

Oct 02, 2008 11:47

And Yuuko's back! :D

Requested by nakimas.

How to go from
in Photoshop. Uses Selective Coloring, so probably not translatable.

1. Get your base ready! I used this gorgeous Yuuko image from xxxHolic.

2. You should all by tired from this step by now, but I did it for many icons lately. D: Anyway, gray exclusion layers help a lot when you want to brighten up your image without relying on screen or soft light duplicates all the time. So create a new layer and fill it with #3b3b3b on Exclusion, 50%.

3. Way better already. For clearing up things, drag a Soft Light, 100% duplicate of your base to the top.

4. Nice, but we want it to be more colorful. Create a Hue/Saturation... adj. layer and set the master saturation to 40 (depending on your image you should lower it when your chara starts looking like a nuclear victim).

5. Time to play with the colors! Make a Selective Color... adj. layer and put in these settings (set to Normal, 100%):

Reds: -100 30 55 100
Yellows: 0 -20 0 0
Cyans: 25 -30 0 -25
Neutrals: 55 0 -10 -30

This mainly accentuates blueish colors and gives white areas a green aura, I've been using it a lot lately. <3
Duplicate this SC layer and lower the opacity to 40%.

6. For some light effects, take this lens texture by gravira and this one (by ?) and set both to Screen, 100%:

Wtf it's washed out and ugly, but it'll turn out very pretty later, I promise!

7. To make it even uglier take this texture by bambinainnero, set to Multiply, 100%.

8. More lights! Take this texture (by ?), again on Screen, 100% for the washed out horror and fix everything with a Soft Light, 100% duplicate of your base:

9. I promised you, didn't I? :D But not finished yet. Don't know why, but I always want Yuuko icons to have a magical feeling (maybe because she's the Dimension Witch, LOL), so I took this light texture by expose42 on Screen, 100% for more sparkles. Add some (tiny) text if you want, and that's it!

Questions? Just ask! :D

Other examples:

Be creative and experiment however you want, and I'd love to see your results! I'm curious what you come up with. :D

Like what you see? Friend soleil_icons for future updates. More tutorials are here.


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