So time is counting down on both sn_exchange and bitter nakano, but I'm doing okay on them. A more serious problem is that I am actually experiencing serious ita/shi withdrawal. I'm well aware that the draught is cause everyone is scrambling to prepare their magical works of literature/art, but still: my suffering, it is endless
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Well man, I'd blame that on a good OTP. I am not much of a writer, but I did ~6,700 (which for me is a lot) when I fell prey to started writing Itachi/Shisui, the OTP of doom and disaster <3. ._.; i sure can pick 'em.
The amount of subtext/fanservice/omake etc etc for Kaka/naru really is impressive XD awww, so much love for Better than perfect!. Awww. Awww. Kakashi, you are such a sap at heart.
Oh jeez don't even worry about it. I realized just who Orin was (even though I already knew, but clearly didn't quite realize it XD) and intimidated myself out of anything e___e;; you should poast it soon, though! XD man, it will be epic with your writing and her art! *________*
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God, Ita/Shi. It's a really angst-filled addicting ship, 'cause some amazing writers are in our tiny subfandom, though. we're even doing the first ever summer exchange at bitter_nakano :3 lol, obnoxiously obscure characters for the win! XD <3 shisuiiii. XD
well i also love it because who hasn't played gay chicken? and something similar happened to me when playing it, being, like naruto, unable to back down from challenges XD;;
Kakashi's pretty great in that, so kudos there.
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lol not that i'm aware of, Shisui has literally one panel in the manga that shows what he looks like. it may just be my personal experience talking, but i think most of the obsession comes from ronsard's characterization of him in Uchiha Shisui Stars In: Who Died and Made You Lolita? and then Stromateis, both of which are fantastic and I would highly recommend reading. She makes Shisui this kinda goofy, extremely charming, witty energetic character. So for all intents and purposes, yes, it's an OC/Itachi. But such a delightful one that most of the ita/shi community has sortof accepted that characterization as gospel and write him that way now. *phew*, the story of the ita/shi fandom. :D
*coughforever* yeah. XD No, it's nice that he's comforting, and I was very relieved when he decided that if they were going to press on, he was going to make sure Naruto knew he knew it was him. Very upstanding (obviously, i guess, Kakashi's an honorable guy XD).
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She definitely didn't know, everyone and their mom has teased her about it ever since, and she stubbornly and modestly refuses to take credit. XD go go go read 'em! start with Lolita. :3
ohso? what was the original intent? SMUT IS NEVER A BAD THING, MOAR SEXY NO JUTSU!
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