fan-fanfic [drabble] Office Party -- Kakashi/Shisui wtf

Jul 09, 2010 19:22

...."It was none other than Anko’s partner, Hatake Kakashi, he of the That Time At The Christmas Party and That Other Time By The Water Cooler fame."
Title: Office Party
Rating: PG-13
A/N: this is fan-fanfic that comes from SPLASH by ronsard, but shock! it is not Ita/Shi. It is Kakashi/Shisui, a pairing so hot you might get burned, and I might have ( Read more... )

drabble, kakashi/shisui

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soleil_et_pluie July 10 2010, 20:43:50 UTC
Impotence issues? Kakashi?? ;_; nooooooooooooooo!!! Kishi clearly did not want to give Kakashi many faults, leaving it up to us to invent them, since he's shown in the manga to be extremely intelligent (the fight with Deidara, or really anybody), kind & caring towards his students, a good teacher, one of the best shinobi in the village (considered for hokage!) and eloquent too on top of all that (that whole "good with words" thing with him, yamato, and naruto)... so uh, i assume he's a master in bed, too, because even with Itachi, who has never shown a shred of sexuality since, Kishi had Madara point out the existence of Itachi's lover, so clearly he wanted Itachi to be capable in that realm too x_X;

we clearly have not heard the last about Shisui, or at least, this is what i hope. My favorite in Tsubasa was Fai, but then at the end of the story (not even going into the terrible writing at the end that made me want to tear my hair out) there was no resolution whatsoever to anybody's hopes or goals. YOU ARE DEAD TO ME, CLAMP.
..but i don't think Kishi is going to do that.


nthcoincident July 10 2010, 21:43:49 UTC
I think this take comes from my very favorite Kakashi fics, which are by annwyd and play off his guilt and introvert tendencies to extrapolate sexual awkwardness. You thought he was a good teacher, really?! I thought he was the worst teacher out of all the ones we've seen, even Madara Crazypants :/


Oh, he'll come back! Poor bastard didn't even get a databook entry, and people like Senju Toka got entries, so Kishi's still hiding something about him. NGNGNG TSUBASA? I loved Fai, and was so disappointed that the ending shafted him like that. I read Tsubasa in the hopes of finding more about the X/1999 characters, and...ugh. NO, Clamp, I don't care how beautiful your art is, learn to write a fucking story.

unrelated: this makes me feel like a horrible human being for sexualizing Itachi so hardcore all the time :( He was just a poor sad little kiiiiid! /sob


soleil_et_pluie July 10 2010, 22:22:56 UTC
Well, a good teacher in the sense that he clearly cared lots about Naruto/Sasuke/Sakura, not in the... being on time sense. But he taught them the right lesson off the bat, which was teamwork. And he trained Naruto with the rasen shuriken pretty effectively years later.
....MADARA CRAZYPANTS IS THE WORST, LET'S NOT EVEN GO THERE >/ are right to steer clear of those, all right. I don't go on forums because i feel it's just way too much "asking for it," in regards to fandom wank. Why would you deliberately go somewhere where all they do is have hissyfits over whose OPINIONZZ are best?!
(tho that is kinda funny, your sincere & well-thought-out opinions would be taken as a sign of a troll.)

The ending is just... I can't even. I was so upset. It's just bad writing, end of story. Like yes, one can decipher all the stupid clones & parents shit if one wanted to, but it's convoluted for no freaking reason. Like if something merits lots of exposition because it really is a complicated concept, that's one thing. But it's an indecipherable mess to most people for a stupid base idea on top of that, and that is no way to wrap up your story. "sorry, you're stuck in a horrible time loop forever." and this is a girl who was really obsessed with X/TB for a long time. ;_;

SD;GJ;FJ;EJGF OH JESUS YOU ARE RIGHT. T__________________T ::sobs for Itachi forever::/::saves picture:: ;_;
b-but these are AUs, so he is allowed to have a healthy sex life in them...


ronsard July 11 2010, 01:36:36 UTC
I agree on these points about Kakashi, in particular that he managed to teach his students a number of great lessons, even if they didn't stick with each and every one of them (you know who I'm talking about...). I definitely think that he has a huge guilt complex, which is one of my favorite things about the character, but he's also got certain very strong convictions gained through traumatic events like his father's and Obito's (and possibly Minato's) deaths. They didn't turn him into some broken, emo little boy, but instead gave him a set of beliefs that continue to guide him into adulthood. The fact that he's never passed any of his teams except for Team 7 clearly shows he cares a lot about what he does, and even his dedication to setting things right by taking on Sasuke seems to prove that he's still confident of his abilities and convictions.

Besides, even discounting the weird Kaka/Shi thing, I am way to0 invested in a bazillion Kakashi-ships to go the asexual route anyway. There's KakaSaku, KakaNaru (lol, in my head, he totally perves on his students... except Sasuke >[), KakaYama... and I even dabble in a little Kakashi/Gai just for variety. The man is suave, dammit!

Bah. In my head Tsubasa ends with Kurogane and Fai leaving together to go take back Suwa. I got someone to write me that fic, it's my personal canon. I do not give a shit about any of the other characters and their assorted bullshit.


soleil_et_pluie July 11 2010, 23:24:42 UTC
Yeah, Kakashi (and Gaara, to some extent) are examples of how you deal with tragedy and come out of it not being a fucktard. Kakashi used it for constructive purposes, whereas Mr. Uchiha Crazypants went off the deep end.

mmmhmm you want to rec me kaka/yama, bb? :3 or uh, kaka/naru.

Yeah no I was never in it for sakura or syaoran, who are like the most boring characters ever. *yawn* ..It's all about Fai/Kurogane, really.

But I must give it to them that the one goal that won it was not sketchy at all, was very good.


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