Let's get quizzical

Jan 12, 2013 21:09

Could not resist. :-P

You Are Respect

You are consistent and steady. You preserve as much harmony in your life as possible.

Tomorrow is a fresh start. You are often willing to overlook the past.

You respect others - regardless of their beliefs of background. You are accepting.

You are an advocate for the people and causes you believe in. You speak up and speak out.

Are You Peace, Love, Unity, or Respect?

Blogthings: If Quizzes Are Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Take Quizzes

Your Brown Eyes Say You're Clever and Witty

You are seen as brilliant and irreverent. You speak your mind, and people love you for it.

You don't let other people see any insecurities you might have. You like to present a brave front.

You are sharp as a tack and very quick on your feet. You're the first to get or tell a joke.

You are also clear thinking in a crisis. You are an excellent problem solver.

What Does Your Eye Color Say About You?

Blogthings: Quizzes and Tests and Memes, Oh My!

You Are a Brown M&M

You are a very emotional person. You are sympathetic and compassionate to friends and strangers.

You can be accommodating and attentive, but you never let anyone walk all over you.

You're nice, but you're also shrewd. People are constantly underestimating you.

You love easily, and you become attached quickly. Sometimes you are unable to let go.

What Color M&M Are You?

Blogthings: We Have a Quiz for Almost Everything

You Fall for the Guy or Girl Next Door Type

You think that people make love too complicated, and what you want in a partner happens to be pretty simple.

You're content with someone who's nice, attractive, honest, and normal. So how come that's so hard to find?

You are fairly traditional, and you value security in relationships more than most people. It's important for you to find someone loyal.

When you find the right person, you don't expect much from him or her. You're just happy to be together.

What Type Do You Fall For?

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Men See You As: An Attainable Challenge

You know how to make your man crave more of you

But you also know when to show some interest back

You're good at keeping your guy guessing

And over time, you'll let him know how you really feel

Do Men Find You a Challenge?

Work is Hard. Time for Blogthings!

You Are The Brain

You're the type of person who's always on, always churning.

You are alert and quick to react. You like to stay busy.

You are responsible but also demanding. You take up a lot of energy.

You are someone of deep mystery. There's a lot below the surface that's hard to figure out.

What Internal Organ Are You?

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