I love the Games, plain and simple

Feb 20, 2010 14:35

Of course, getting to the snarky celebrations of crap day required a rather concentrated effort to pull myself away from the TV. There's been a lot of good stuff going on with the Olympics. So, since {i}Mega Shark{/i} was so bad it doesn't deserve to be discussed here, let's chat about the Olympics while pairs figure skating is on. Figure skating is not my bag, but a lot of other stuff I've watched certainly is.

{e:star} long track speed skating- If I could watch only one event, this would be it. There's a lot of exciting stuff, and this sport isn't quite as an adrenaline rush as others. Even so, it speaks to me. The first winter Olympics I remember was Lillenhamer, and in spite of the figure skating drama, I remember the long track events. I sat attentively watching Dan Jansen and Bonnie Blair. In spite of the horrific suits they had on (which have gotten better as time's passed), it stuck with me in more positive ways. I have paid close attention to it since. Even so, I'm so glad Shani Davis and Chad Hedrick have gotten their asses handed to them so far. I know that's not very sportsman like. They aren't very sportsman like. The only remotely pleasant member of the men's long track team (Joey Cheek) has long sinced retired. So I can enjoy the sport for the sake of the sport. And so far, it's been awesome.

{e:star} biathlon- Obscure, yes, but surprisingly demanding mentally and physically. And once you figure out what's going on, it can be fun to watch. I don't think it will ever appeal to me quite like ski jump and long track speed skating, but if it's on, I'll certainly watch it.

{e:star} ski jump- Hooray, ski jump! I just think it's cool to watch, and I think I like it more than, say, the halfpipe because it's not an American dominated sport. Sure, there are Americans participating (and in the case of nordic combined actually medalling), but they generally aren't a threat. So again, I can watch the sport for the sake of sport..

{e:star} moguls- I wasn't expecting to get into this as much as I did. When I first saw it, I thought it looked clumsy to ski around all those bumps. Now that I've actually watched it, I realize how much fun and how truly difficult it is. And the air time! Good times all around! I caught the women's and the men's, which means I did get to see a Canadian win a gold on home soil. Why do I think the country's not going to give a crap that it's Sunday and party like it's the end the world? Just sayin'.

olympics stuff

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