Dec 30, 2009 18:47

It's all right here, 2009 from my seat in the back.

First off, holy shit. Part 7? I can't believe I've been journaling on this site long enough to warrant a part 7 in my yearly recaps. Even so, there's actually quite a bit to discuss. It was a busy year. On the global front, it was sucktastic. On a personal level, I fared pretty well. So what am I waiting for? I better get on with it.


1. completing the family-It feels like a family now with the addition of Poppy. My kitties are the only kind of children I want, and it feels more complete with two of them. Julius and Poppy were in the same cat lady house and were brought to the shelter together. Once I found that out and visited her (with mi amor), we decided we had a very. We actually were thinking of adopting her sister Sweet Pea at first, but Sweet Pea was being too reclusive. Poppy, on the other hand, warmed up to mi amor, and the decision was made at that point. The babies get along very well and tend to snuggle up together even when it's plenty warm. Mi amor loves them, to boot, so I'm happy. At least I don't have to worry about these children wanting to borrow the car or bring significant others to the condo. I still have to worry about Julius getting out, though. He can be quick when he wants to be.

2. becoming Minnesotan-I've been up here for a couple years, and now it's really starting to feel like home. The fact that I enjoyed shoving snow off the roof on Christmas Day should have been my first clue. But between roaming around a little more and going to the State Fair (both very enjoyable ventures), I'm starting to feel more like a true citizen of the state. It's only been two years, but I know I'd stay even if mi amor wasn't around. I'm learning some more of the details that only locals know, and it's kind of like getting membership into an exclusive country club. The difference is Minnesota is a lot more fun than any country club. Yes, we have that loon known as Michelle Bachmann and suffered through the indignity of the Larry Craig scandal, but we also have Duluth, the arboretum and a gorgeous 35W bridge that spans the Mighty Mississippi. I love this place!

3. my new camera!-This is somewhat related to the above highlight, as this camera has allowed me to capture more snapshots of life in Minnesota. With greater shutter/aperture control, more zoom capabilities and brighter flash, the possibilities are endless. I've taken the camera to Duluth, the State Fair, the Holidazzle and even out snowman building. It's gotten me back into photography, which kind of took a back seat up until I got the new camera. I've also purchased a card reader so I can upload the stuff way more quickly, and working with these new features makes me think that I may eventually move up to a DSLR. I don't think that will happen for a while, but the possibility is stronger now than it's ever been. Photography does help me hold it together, and with new equipment in my arsenal, I feel more invigorated than I have in some time.

4. Star Trek-Yeah, I was able to make this movie number 4 on my list of highlights. That's a very remarkable feat in itself! But yeah, after years of hiding, my inner Trek enthusiast came out to play. Yeah, I was into The Next Generation as a child but never talked about it because all my classmates were into Power Rangers and lowest common denominator sitcoms. I had also seen and enjoyed a couple of the older Star Trek movies and was vaguely interested in the movie because I heard Zach Quinto was looking to get involved. Surprisingly enough, he's not what prompted me to get off my ass and make my way to the theater. The overall glowing reviews and my inkling about Spock and Uhura getting together made me cough up some dough to go see that and be introduced to Karl. Gunh. It took a while for me to be converted, though, as I liked Spock when I was a kid. It was the ears. But now that I've grown older (as being grown up is debatable) I'm quite fond of the new version of Bones. And who besides me was absolutely blindsided by the dynamic between him and Kirk? That was just totally unexpected and completely fantastic! All that aside, my interest in Karl has actually shifted my perspective on things, as it's prompted me to research New Zealand culture and politics. The more I read up on it, the more I think it will help America to find a compromise between the extremes. I do think there's something in the water that makes much of their entertainment absolutely cracktastic, but there are times when it's absolutely beautiful (think Out of the Blue). So, from Star Trek to wanting to learn more about a country thousands of miles away...I can't explain my brain, either. And I should probably keep mi amor away from the firearms.

5. getting along with the in-laws-They're not officially my in-laws, but I am finding my ability to socialize with mi amor's relatives is becoming stronger, and we're all getting along better. His grandmother is a trip, and I like her enough to put a damper on my garbage mouth. I can also chat with his various aunts and uncles with more ease than the previous year. Then again, cleaning out storage lockers and a hoarder's apartment can help with the bonding process.
I'm still going to play it safe in the coming year, but I think 2010 will lead to continuing to establish friendly relations with his family. I'm hoping they're not too put off by our low key, somewhat casual wedding (seeing that they're invited). From what I've seen, though, I don't think it will really matter.


1. D.K.'s death-I only felt it a little bit around Christmas, but it still sucks. I know it's easier in the long run, as his health had not been that good over the last few years. Even so, that's a large piece of my life to go. It didn't help that I had just started at Rels and was really torn about going to the wang. I did end up going for the weekend to see everyone. I have decided, though, that come hell or high water I will be down for Grandmammy's funeral, and there's not gonna be a damn thing anyone can do to stop me.

2. me falling out with the news-I admit I did not do as good of a job keeping up with the news as I have before. Some of it was Trek related, and the media's shenanigans discussed in {entry:} played a role. Part of it was also fueled by the criticism of Obama played out in the papers and on TV. It bothered me for a while because I was very vulnerable after DK's death, and only in the past couple of months have I been able to face the criticisms people are lobbing and decide what to make of them. This same sense of vulnerability combined with constant work wibbling made me neglect one of my few media comforts: The Economist. I was able to pick up that and The Atlantic in November, and I feel like I'm on the road to recovery. I'm depressed that this falling out happened at all and that I adamantly refused to talk about it in this journal until now. It was hard for me to face and is still very difficult, but I think it will get better. At least now I have the courage to say that while I don't always agree with Obama, I stand behind my decision to vote for him, and I don't regret it.

3. political extremists-This, however, makes me pissed off beyond words. I mean, seriously. Doesn't matter if you were on the right or the left this year. If you were extremist, you made this year fucking hell for all Americans. (Maybe I should have picked these assholes for Turd of the Year; I think my shit would have been angry at me for that, actually.) In any case, they have kept things such as the health care bill from getting passed this year. I do think something would have passed if the far-right hadn't been so adamant about defending the status quo and the far-left not been so enthusiastic about biting off more than the country could chew financially and socially. What the far left wants in the health care bill would have set off a culture war on top of the Afghanistan situation (and I still say we need to have a sizable troop presence there), the economy (which will get better next year) and the deficit. Oh, and let's not forget the bombing debacle that made a complete mockery of the Department of Homeland Insecurity. Guys, let's be fair here. It took place on an international flight entering the United States, where the security responsibility fell on the shoulders of two other nations that are in no way under US influence in regards to day to day security procedures. Yeah, the extremists are jizzing themselves over that. I don't see this getting any better, either. Joyous.

4. entertainment-Aside from Star Trek and getting back on Netflix, entertainment has been underwhelming. Heroes has had its moments, but the movies generally sucked (except for Star Trek, of course). Let's not get started on the nonfiction books that took center stage in the book stores. And we all knew what most journalists focused on this year: celebrity scandals. The coverage of Michael Jackson's death also grated on my nerves when I bothered to look out from my rock. I could easily see the impact of the writer's strike this year. I mean, it's not good when one of the most entertaining forms of diversion is all the jokes spawning from Kanye's shenanigans at the VMAs. What he did in itself was dumb, but the jokes stemming from it were awesome (not to mention Obama's reactions). That's pretty sad, folks. Just sayin'.

In ThE mIdDlE?

1. political involvement-I didn't get involved in the neighborhood council like I wanted to, but I did get some networking done thanks to mi amor's dad. I missed prime opportunities due to work, and I'm going to be thinking long and hard about the work/political life balance in the coming year. The fact that I got anywhere at all is the main reason this didn't get relegated to the lowlights department. I have ideas for next year, namely how to boost involvement in the neighborhood council. I'll need to get some plans drawn up for that so I can actually accomplish something in the coming year.

2. the third year in a row, the site is in the middle. Guys, could we try to not aim for mediocrity next year? There's still some discontentment, but I have seen beacons of hope, as more unofficial newsletters pop up to cater to members' writing related interests. I had to cut out my share, though, because it was just too much for me mentally. I had been a mess for some time and needed to let go. It feels good to be back in yellow. Let me tell you. I've been writing more, although most of it is private. I'm actually thinking about doing NaNo next year since this yoke of influence is no longer around my neck. I don't regret anything I did as a moderator except that it didn't make the impact I wanted it to have. I should be thankful, though, that there has been any sort of interest in writing outside of my small circle of friends and acquaintances. I know I should do more reviewing and what not. It might happen next year, but I really have needed the break from the site. I still come around and give people advice. I just need the distance. It has helped immensely.

3. work-I had to deal with unemployment for a little bit after deciding enough was enough at the Star Tribune. And really, I'm still a temp who's going on 9 months at Rels. Amazing. They're actually creating a new review branch next week, and guess who gets to help out with that. You guessed it.
But aside from the instability, I'm glad that I've been able to work steadily at all, and I do enjoy my current job. This is one of the most uncertain areas going into 2010, but I know that I will have a favorable experience with Rels. I've learned a lot there, and it's helped me decide where to focus my law studies. Yes, I've decided to go to law school. It will most likely happen after 2011, as the wedding is a bigger issue in regards to money. But I'm going to do it. I had a taste of law school in my History of the Supreme Court class, and I think I would thrive in such a setting. We'll see how holding onto this job works out, in the meantime.

I'm not going to lie. I know I was among the lucky ones this year. I'm not a psychic and cannot predict the future. However, I do think things will get easier next year, even if only on a personal level. My optimism is cautious, but it's there. Come on, 2010. Don't make a liar out of me. Now here's to hoping that next year and decade are better than the last. And here's to the world not ending in 2012. CHEERS!

relationships, political stuffs, ponderations, amusing, stupidity, squee factor, truth bitches, what the...?

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