
Nov 09, 2004 21:03

It was a Sunday morning in South America, in a little chapel, on the border of Venezuela and Columbia. As Mass was beginning, a not uncommon occurrence took place: a band of guerillas armed with machine guns came out of the jungle and crashed and banged their way into the chapel. The priest and the congregation were totally horrified and afraid. The men dragged the priest outside to the executed. Then the leader of the guerillas came back into the chapel and demanded, "Anyone else who believes in the God stuff, come foward!" Everyone was petrified. They stood frozen. There was a long silence.
Finally, one man came foward and stood in front of the geurilla chief and said simply, "I love Jesus." And he was roughly tossed to the soldiers and also taken out to be executed. And several other Christians came foward saying the same thing; they, too, were driven outside. Then the sound of machine gun fire. When there were no more people left willing to identify themselves as Christians, the geurilla chief returned inside and told the remaining congregation to get out. "You have no right to be here!" And with that he herded them out of the chapel, where they were astonished to see their pastor and the others standing there.
The priest and those people were ordered to go back into the chapel to continue the service while the others were angrily warned to stay ou "Until," said the geruilla chief, "you have the courage to stand up for your beliefs!" And with that the geurillas dissapeared into the jungle.
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