A beep distracted Xander from the project he was working on, and he set it aside for a moment, going to the desk and opening his e-mail window.
To: xander.harris@fandomhigh.net
From: wrosenberg@ucsd.edu
Subject: Hi!
OMG we met Dracula!
...and then Buffy staked him. As she does. But still, Dracula!
...and then Spike bitched because she didn't wait for Spike to shake him down for the vast sums of money he apparently owed Spike before she staked him. As he does.
...I just said 'OMG.' I feel dirty. As I...don't usually. But OMG, *Dracula*.
So what've *you* been doing all week?
love, Willow
P.S. Your UC Sunnydale address should be working now; I attached instructions on how to log in, but I'm not sure if you can do it from Fandom. Still, if you want to give it out to people, it's xharris@ucsd.edu.
Xander blinked and typed up a
To: wrosenberg@ucsd.edu
From: xander.harris@fandomhigh.net
Subject: re: Hi!
What'd I do this week? Talked to people, mostly.
Conner about how weird the whole time-difference thing is, and to
Broots (you'd like him; I think other-You does, anyway) about how he thought he was Rory at the time, don't ask because you don't want to know, and
Bridge about our anniversary, which is this Sunday. And then
Anders about evil herbivores, and
Bridge again about cupcakes. As we do. And
Callisto about...um. You really don't want to know. Anyway.
Monday we found another
weird sixth floor room; there were raccoon tails. And gold coins; I grabbed a couple, but I'm not stupid enough to try to spend 'em. They'd probably turn into bricks or something. And Tuesday was
my workshop, which was mostly a waterballoon fight. And was other-you's idea, so... thanks? And then, shockingly,
more talking. To Bridge. About non-existent tv shows. And then later about
camping. Which we're doing on Sunday. And then Thursday I ...
helped Bridge study for class and then co-hosted the
So....nothing real exciting except the studying part. Which honestly? I'm good with. Oh, there *was* a guy hanging out in the common room who
made Bridge's head buzz, but Bridge doesn't seem to think he's dangerous. He's no *Dracula OMG*.
*mocks because I love*
love, Xander
Then he went back to his bed, where the contents of his project were spread out across the blanket.
[Open, though I'm madly combatting a potential worm, so if I disappear unexpectedly it's because I had to re-start.]