Dear Mom and Dad: today I
got my missing clothes back and pictured Jake Gavin in a cheerleading outfit,
wore John Crichton and got detention for sharing him with Ms. Skeeter,
totally had a catfight with Rory Gilmore over a hot Mountie except not because that would be weird and make Dad nod knowingly and say he always knew it which would be one of the 4,000 reasons I'm never actually mailing this letter,
took a mid-term in Art History and haven't written a word of it yet, ZOMG,
did not tell Angela Chase a fart joke but did almost tell the one about Really Strong Guy Who Can Fly mistaking Unseeable Guy for Bitterwoman, did
inform Jaye Tyler that she's abnormal to her everlasting shock, and was
informed by Parker who has no first name because I enjoy existing, that I'm an asshat. No, sorry, a bottom. No, sorry,
the Bottom. I might be needing to murderize Jake Gavin, cheerleading uniform or not; if so, don't worry. I won't call you for bail money.
Yeah, my life's not complicated.
Hey, if you happen to see a giant snake around town? You're not imagining it; drive the other way.
Dear Willow: Hey. Remember that shared nightmare about ever having to go on a stage again? Guess what...