Really late early drunk.
Though Xander may well have thought it was the roof. It's about as far as he got after stumbling out of Rory's room and retrieving his laptop from 406.
Daer Wilolw;
Srorry so long qwithout weriting. Stuff hap ppeyning.
Lots of blcak spacevoska. Vodksa good/
You;d be proiud, i Aped an attle today. Aped an
APPLE OMG cant type. Seeee above re
Kisssed a bucnh of
guys an
Cordry. Codry. Cordelia. WTF whycan i tpye htat????
Hated all butCord7. Cordy goood like alwas. liek, kssies that wiuld make you trn lobster rod good.
Boiykisssing suckde thoug.
Thimk mayebe I made it sukc because i was too arfaraid i'd like it.
yr drunklily;