Destruction; that was all he had seen for years. Constant, horrific destruction. Not a sanctuary to be had, not a sense of security to be felt; it was like living a nightmare and for the most part, he dealt with it well. But old age and reality was finally hitting him and as he walked down the the jagged mess that was once a street, he placed his fingers on the metal brim of the watch he received when he first joined with Umbrella Corporation. It was old and scratched now, and it had a small image of the logo in the top "corner" of the face.
Those old blue eyes narrowed as Alexander hooked his fingers beneath the clasp, tearing it open. He ripped it from his wrist and held it towards the dark sky. It was a symbol of all that he had created; his own legacy.
And now, in his hands, it felt like a horrible source of contamination.
Sierra cast the object to the ground and watched as the face shattered against the rough pavement. Small pieces of glass spilled out onto the tattered asphalt. But HUNK found no pity for the watch. Instead, he found it a relief that it was now destroyed. Like his own legacy, it was broken and shattered into a million pieces. Nature could now take its course and cast it to the winds.
"..What have I done?" Sierra eyed the pieces as they rolled and drifted down the street. He just stared, unknowing of his fate. It was over; this was it. The end was drawing near and he could feel his clock tolling.
That was when the cough came. Rapid successions of coughing brought him to his knees, then his elbows. He felt the ground below him and he could feel his muscles aching and lord, did they ache. It was a pain that sent his senses on high, and he groaned. The cigarillo he had lit left his mouth and rolled away from his body, but he didn't care. The coughing still continued and he could feel liquid dribbling out from his mouth. Thankfully, it was only a large whad of spit that had collected near the base of his tongue.
"..What have I done.." HUNK breathed in sharply, trying to contain the coughs, but he couldn't. Instead, he shifted and dug his fingers into the watch he had cast aside. Holding it to his chest, he doubled over a second time and let his head hit the pavement.