Dec 11, 2005 06:31
Went out drinking with Zack and Riku last night. As usual, had to all but drag them home; apparently the ability to moderate one's drinking comes with age as opposed to experience. Got knocked over by them at one point; hair and clothes a mess, had to shower and send my stuff off to be dry-cleaned. Tempted to take the bill out of their pay, but they bitch enough about the sizes of their paychecks as is - not worth it. Stuck with the standard-issue uniform today, though.
Going to check in on them both eventually, but not before 1300 hours at least. Doubt they'll be presentable even then. (Yes, I know you're both reading this and it doesn't make it any less true.)
Colonel Mustang - paperwork?
Library research - monsters, signs of presence? Missing soldiers? Return books
Discuss upping contributions to widows' and families' fund w/ First Class (running low)
Compile summary report of MIA Gainsborough, Matthews
Report to King Ansem
Tip barkeep/send Riku and Zack to sand diagrams off his table (one of the two)