Happy New Year!

Dec 31, 2006 20:34

I cant believe it  is already 2007!! This time last year I was days away from our homecoming and now I have an entire year looming in front of us again and its another New Year without him. But we will keep sucking it up and moving forward. Because every day is one day closer to him being back in my arms! I cant believe how fast 2006 was! We had a lot going on and man it flew! Shawn came home in January. We moved in June. Shawn went to WOC school and was commissioned in Aug! We moved again in Aug. Shawn graduated WOBC in Oct. and we moved AGAIN! Spent a month with family then moved yet again LOL into our new house that we bought! Just in time for Shawn to leave in Dec. Now he is in Korea and we are trying to get used to this seperation thing all over again. Hopefully this year brings us lots of good stuff too! I want this next year to go by fast! I have a trip to Korea to look forward to, Shawn's mid tour, and a visit from my parents in Sept. and maybe a trip to WA too.

Resolutions/Goals for 2007
1. Join Weight Watchers
2. Work out regularly
3. Lose weight/get in shape
4. Stop procrastinating
5. Spend more quality time with hubby (when he's here!)/stop taking our time together for granted
6. Get pregnant! 
7. Get a job and save for my new car
8. Get this house 100% done before mid tour
9. Stay positive during this tour!!
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