Jul 16, 2006 17:18
I'm actually sick of this bullshit, Israel say they are retaliating yet all they've done is murder civilians in the name of peace, they are practically using terrorist tactics yet masking it up as constraint they have every idea on how to cripple lebanon and they are doing it well, Hizbullah on the other hand have bought this upon themselves and have asked for this fighting in return, all they can do is strike down on civilians but thinking of it the justification of a total of 20 civilians killed to Israel's 100 I don't see how the terrorist side is actually doing anything near a good job in their own minds. This is all bullshit another war by proxy by iran and america, I fucking hate Hizbullah but I also hate the fucking Israeli military and political system, you all have your heads shoved so far up your arses all you care for is to fuck like dogs. You're both pigs and I fucking hope that you burn in hell be thankfull I don't have military power because I would of wiped both of you off the map by now as I sit by and watch my country get fucked because of you're Jewish/Shia ideals.