spiritgun_punkA true friend. He accepted me without any reservations and has always sought to help me. He argues that he can't be considered human anymore, but...I simply can't see it that way.
violentsoftieIt's strange. He should be someone to avoid, antagonistic as he can be. Yet there are few here I can rely on more to be so constant, so present. I wish there was something I could do for him.
broroonaA warrior displaced. He has a lot of hesitation in his heart, and he's kinder than he thinks he is.
natureinbloodMy oldest and dearest friend, it seems. It has become more apparent to me now, though I will owe him much more in my future - his past. I've never felt so safe in silence as with him.
fairyarcherShe is older in her heart than in her years. Stronger, too, than she believes. For all the things she's endured...I wish I knew how to help her more. She deserves happiness.
soldieringshinHe will carry my burdens. I wish I knew a way to change this, make it better for him and everyone, but...it seems there will be no choice. I'm grateful he is strong and compassionate; he'll do better than me. He'll see them through. But not without hurt of his own.
rocksfallidieAnother I will know in my future back there. He is a gentle strength, a loyal support. He deserves a much better life than the one waiting for us back there. I only hope his time here was worthwhile for him.
loveyourenemyA Mu estranged. Proof our kind can coexist peacefully, safely...I'm glad for him. Yet he still hesitates. Maybe rightly so. He didn't have the company of his own kind before...
prodigitalsonHe will kill me, in time. I've seen the image of his face behind the barrel of a gun, one of the last things I'll ever see. He'll kill so many of us. Yet he's...changed. Something happened. And he's shown me...hope for us. It's so hard to stay in his presence, given everything. Yet I can't hate him.
kathreptisShe is unshaken kindness and compassion. Welcoming, warm...It's something my kind lack back home. It's almost strange to be so invited.
sorcerouslyA kind girl with a strange power. I don't understand it well, but whatever threat came from her is not present anymore. Not purposefully. I wish I understood. The chance to ask properly never seems to arise.
idkmybffpigeonAn early friend of strange circumstance. He may well have never truly left, since his power allowed him to hide away. But he was kind to me - he listened, tried to understand. I miss him.
stfuurameshiA close friend of Yusuke's, kind and earnest. He is honest and loyal, and his presence is a comfort. It's hard to relate to those so young sometimes, but he's never been cold to me.
slappingchickYusuke's love. It's easy to understand why; she is strong-willed and compassionate, and has always made effort to reach out and help me and others. I would never burden her if I could, though I am grateful for her kindness.
donttasemebroI don't understanding the way his mind works. It's...strange. Different from the others I've encountered before. Yet he is kind and seems to mean well. I'm just not sure what to make of it...
gardenerthiefIn a way, he was like a force of nature. A deep strength - I easily underestimated him. He was good to me, to Leo. I'll always be grateful.
shiromadoushiHe's a presence much stronger in my future. His past. I don't think I'll understand...I don't think I can understand completely, not until I am who I'll be. He saw me as such for so long...It's hard to find my bearings. But I'm glad he's there for Jonah.
deadelfwalkingAnother life. A tormented soul who believed he didn't deserve good. In a way, we were alike. It made me realize the good I forbade myself...But I think I did more harm than good for him in the end. I'm so sorry, Koltira.
liadrinA passionate mind. She had little you could consider slight; everything was earnest and wholly felt. If I knew her now...I'm not sure, but I think I would've appreciated her more. It's hard to be sure of what I'll be like, the way she knew me.
canonarailsA good-hearted girl with more warmth and strength than she realizes. The situation she described in her world...it sounded similar in ways to my own. I hope wherever she is, she is safe.
bluffing_ruffleI'll never be able to repay him. He was good to me, though I was distant most often. Why? That person I'll become that knew him...I should have been more grateful. There is no kindness like that in the humans of home.
deadmanbrucolacHe knew me before. Rather, knew of me...He makes no illusions about our previous (my future) acquaintance. I don't understand the true nature of his differences...perhaps I shouldn't want to know.
purmonculHe's undergone slips in time similar to me, yet he's still kinder and stronger than I am. I've done him wrong, keeping away, yet he's shown me no ill will. I don't know how to repay this.