I think this shall be my crafting icon...

Apr 30, 2012 09:28

Because I am mighty!

Not much to report on for the weekend.  I did not actually get anything crafty done, but I did find a bunch of cute purse patterns that I might need.

The Pink October.  C'mon...like I *wouldn't* make it?

The Buttercup.  I'm not sure it's twoo love, but it's cute!

The messenger bag.  The tutorial is a bit confusing but overall it's ( Read more... )

geekiness, fabric, patterns, crafting, squee!, sewing

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Comments 9

hlwoods April 30 2012, 14:45:21 UTC
There's more cute bags at http://www.oakshottfabrics.com/Free-Patterns.aspx, but the one I enjoyed was http://www.oakshottfabrics.com/uploads/Komebukuro-Bag-Pattern.pdf. I've made two so far, and will make more in various sized and heights; there's something really satisfying about the square base, and the way the closure works.

It helped, of course, that the previous reign was Japanese themed, with Ashikaga and Kimiko on the throne.


soldiergrrrl April 30 2012, 14:53:07 UTC
Oh dear god. I think my Pinterest board shall now explode with cute bags!


hlwoods April 30 2012, 14:55:17 UTC
Heh. I may yet get around to posting pics of the bags I made. (Vertical alternating green and white stripes, 3 stripes per side.) Used one bag back when I was in the hospital to store all my meds; very convenient as it made the bag realy easy to spot.


soldiergrrrl April 30 2012, 15:01:16 UTC
You know, I think, if you did a waterproof lining, these bags would be really nice to store tent stuff in. I don't mean the tent itself, but the stuff that you put in the tent. :-)


deafelis April 30 2012, 16:47:59 UTC
Cute. :)

I like the placemat totes, but step 6 was confusing to me. I gather that's where the square bottom corners come from, but I couldn't understand what was going on to get them.


soldiergrrrl April 30 2012, 16:53:35 UTC
It is a bit confusing, but basically, your squish the bag so that the sides seams are sitting on top of each other, and the bottom boxes up a bit. Then, you sew across, perpendicular to the seam, so that you have a triangle flap, and then cut the flap off. That forms a boxed bottom. Lemme see if I can do it with some paper and post pictures here.


cenliamgordon May 7 2012, 16:01:27 UTC
*facepalm* That is all...


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