Well, it appears that neither I, not the LJ are dead.

Apr 27, 2012 09:33

No matter what it might look like.

I have been perusing a ton of DIY blogs, and have been sucked in by Pinterest.  It's like someone threw all the home dec magazines I adore into a blender and hit "frappe."

So, with that in mind, I'll probably start chronicling the household adventures, again.

With regards to the Living Room Project, yesterday, I ended up finally widening the channels for the hardwood thresholds to sit in and I'm hoping to glue them today.  They look SO good, even if the ones we made are a wee bit shinier than the wood itself.  It still really makes the difference.

And NOW I can start on some other projects I want to go around the house, to include refinishing the buffet in the front hall, the old dresser we use as an icon stand, the mirror in the hallway, the bookshelf, and possibly a new coffee table, to say nothing of a couple of barn doors I want to make.

No, I'm not ambitious, why do you ask?

Oh, I'm also thinking about downsizing desks...anyone need a couple of large Ikea corner desks in espresso and white?  ;-)
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