
Jan 09, 2011 08:14

These are pictures of the first red tunic, and the start of the second one.

They're AWFUL, but they'll give you an idea.

It's not quite so orange IRL, but it is BRIGHT!  You can barely see the detail on the facing, but I'll update when I have better pictures.

The following pictures are the start of the second tunic.  This is the facing that goes around the collar.  I usually do a double facing, and turn it from the inside out, so that the neckline is totally enclosed and neat.  One, it looks better to me, and two, it avoids the neckline rubbing an exposed seam on Ioannes's neck.

You can see the word "TOP" in one shot,  That's to remind me which side is the top side, or rather, which one will be seen on the outside of the tunic.

And a bit closer.  Not that you can see anything.

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