What I did on my summer vacation...

Nov 06, 2010 15:02

I'm currently working on two projects:

This is going to be a personal banner.  I've still got to actually sew everything down (rather than just stitchwitch it down), paint the green leaves, do the eye, the nose and the ear detail, and then paint the ermine.  It's all hemmed and everything.  Both the top and the bottom have sleeves for poles, so it can be tied to a day shade, or suspended in a variety of ways.

This is the banner for Hellsgate.  It needs to be hemmed along the sides, highlighted and ties put on it, but it's coming along.  I'm industrious and stuff.

However, I really wish I could have gone to Coronation.  These needed to be done though.  I made a promise to get two banners done by FP tomorrow.  Eeeep!

i made that!, geekiness, dork dork dork, a&s 50, sca, crafting

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