I am so lucky!

Nov 10, 2009 11:56

You all know, probably more than half of you want to, that I play in the SCA.

I was blessed to know our recent Queen and King, even just a little bit through LJ, and they were both gracious enough to allow me to help in small ways by being on entourage.   I wasn't able to help as much as I would have liked, but I am SO grateful that I was allowed to help, even a little bit.

I cannot begin to tell you how much just seeing that little teeny tiny bit of work the Crowns do makes me appreciate them even more.

Yes, they rule because we let them, but honestly, they work damn hard at what they do.  To be fair, to be gracious, to be the ideals we all strive to emulate.

I won't say they weren't human, for that would be damning them both with faint praise.  No, they were human, with all the attendant joys, and sadnesses, frictions and emotions that come with the courtesies and pleasantries of being Crown.  They were both regal, beautiful, gentle, fierce and always, always, full of love for their Kingdom.  We are so blessed to have this be our tradition of Royalty in the SCA, and in Ansteorra.  This is what I have "grown up" with in the SCA, this is what I've come to expect, and I am so grateful to have such an ideal to look up to, no matter how short I may fall.

Thank you, all of you, for the part you play in the Dream we share, and to our recent King and Queen, Vivat!  To our current Crowns, may You have a wonderful reign! 

beauty, geekiness, blessings, dork dork dork, happiness, sca, i love my life, fun, awesomeness and kittens, dreams, squee!, ansteorra

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