I'm sorry for the confusion regarding the forgiveness post. In the Orthodox Church, the Sunday before the start of Great Lent is "Forgiveness Sunday," when we ask those we have offended in this year to forgive us our transgressions. I usually do it on LJ because, well, it's my largest social outlet, pretty much.
I also am simply amazed at my life. Yeah, things aren't always the best, sometimes I fall and don't remember to look up to see my blessings, but seriously? My life is incredible.
I have a wonderful marriage and romantic life. I am surrounded by love and affection at every turn, even when I wonder why.
I have a job I adore and I am lucky enough to still be employed.
I am involved with a hobby that allows my inner geek out to play, and surrounds me with more open-hearted friends than I know what to do with. (I'm looking at you,
celticdragonfly , and
liamstliam and
fieryredhead, and
cenliamgordon, and...damn...pretty much ALL the SCAdians on my f-list....and speaking of SCAdians and lists...
spikywheel, did my package ever get to you? I've had a spate of screwy mail recently and I wanted to make sure your giftie didn't get caught up in it.) The SCA lets me revel in my love of pomp and circumstance and allows me to help others without people wondering what the hell I want.
God has truly graced me with so many good things and I am constantly in awe of the things He deems fit to bestow upon me.