Mar 27, 2007 22:37
What is life? What is Apathy? What is the meaning of death? I know the meaning of life, but that it what leads to the question of death? Whaat purpose does death serve? The purpose of life is very self-explanitory, to LIVE, to recieve as much pleasure as can be had, to feel emotion. that is why there IS life, but why then,is there death? Setting aside any bullshit moral or religious explanations, the only remotely feasible answer would be that death balances out life. You can't have one with out the other but, im not talking about that, im talking about purpose and meaning. If the meaning of life is as such, shouldnt the opposite(pain, lack of happiness, apathy) be the balancing factor? WHY DO WE DIE? The human body is noithing but an organic machine running off of its own fossil fuels with its own special addition add-ons and its own monthly payments and its own oil changes, but in theory, no one should ever die of age or anything other than injury or illness. Religion is bullshit so dont even say its because of "the original sin"...death is the one thing no one can ever comprehend until it has happened. it is the panultimate experience, not the last as some may think. I belive there is death and then realization or better yet, summation. A summary of all knowledge and existence and meaning of your life...perhaps that what death IS, but not it's purpose. Death is the grand summary paragraph of your existence with a foreward by your mom's egg and your dad's sperm and an afterword by "Die ES"...death is pointless. Attempting to understand the point of death is like trying to understand why a simple string is so entertaining to a cat...theres no way to know unless youre a part of it...