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matrix_theory It could be argued that the agents are more motivated to bringing in rogues over humans in that the exiles are traitors to Machine City. That we focus on human rebels is because they are a disruptive influence, as opposed to those programs that have refused the rule of the system. They are an affront to all we strive to maintain. As to upgrades, they were never necessary before Mr. Anderson developed his anomalalous abilities.
I do not believe that Morpheus was being literal when he was instructing Mr. Anderson. He was unlikely aware that his so called messiah could directly access the source, knowing only that in some way he would bring an end to the status quo. That poppycock about the One reaching the source was not so much prophecy as it was the information the Keymaker relayed to them while they were prepping for their assault.
As each program that was in the system yet no longer in keeping with established order, the Merovingian knew that the Keymaker would be able to give the One access to the Architect. However, as that begins the process for the ending of one Matrix in order to make the next one, it is unlikely he would be inclined to allow it. If each prior prophecized one gained access to the Architect, it would be in those rogue programs best interests to do whatever was necessary to prevent it happening again.
Yet the Merovingian merely makes mention of Neo's predecessors, not that this gives sufficient proof of actual knowledge. Knowing who he was when he first entered the building, any number of the rogues could have attempted to kill Neo rather than the games they tried to play to steer him the wrong way...
...though if you're going to waste your time playing games, you are very likely the Merovingian.
It just staggers one...no pun intended...when you give it actual thought.