AU rpg: seperate from H&M game play

Aug 26, 2009 03:48

As everyone is well aware, it's not so very nice to be pulled from your sleep, as it usually means that something not so pleasant was about to happen. Such was the case for an American Army Lieutenant named Sonya Blade.

It was last at night (nevermind the actual hour, it was at such a time that no one really cares except to mark a crime scene) when she had woken up with a start. Well, it wasn't much of a start, but she woke up to feel something pulling at her, something non-tangible that kept telling her to get up and out. The feeling only got stronger the more she ignored it, and while Sonya was of the practical sort, she was even more so for following instinct (the sort of feelings that tell you to 'duck' just in time to miss a bullet), and promptly got out of bed.

Only instead of landing on a hardwooden floor, she barely had time to shout out in surprise when she fell into a large ocean.  The pulling sensation turned out to be a powerful undertoe that pulled her farther out into the sea. Thankfully, Sonya was a registered lifegaurd and her instincts kicked in as soon as her head became submerged; instead of trying to swim towards the shore, she swam parrellel to it, knowing full well that fighting against an undertoe would just tire you out more. Finally, when she could no longer feel the current's tug, Sonya swam over to the shore, and it was only a few minutes till she found that her feet could touch the bottom of the sea, and she half swam half walked over to the shore.

Once on dry land, she was now able to take into account what happened and where she was. Obviously, she was no longer in her hotel room, but on a beach, and for a moment Sonya feared she was somehow back on Shang Tsung's island, but once she was able to blink the salt water from her eyes and get a better look, it was clear that whatever world this was, it didn't belong to Shang Tsung. For one, he didn't have such forests  as she saw in the distance, dense and wild and second (also the most obvious), the castle ontop of the cliffs was clearly European, not Chinese.

Sonya was also suddenly aware of how chilled she felt, and that her throat was scratchy from swallowing salt water. As beautiful as the sea was, it was still early morning and Sonya was still soaking wet. Still, there was nothing to it for her to do but ring out her t-shirt (she was glad that even if she wore a white t-shirt to sleep, the sports bra undernieth was dark green) and head for the woods, ignoring the feel of the hot sand on her bare feet. She could easily head towards the castle, but she didn't know if the owners of the place were hospitible or not-and being wary of strangers (and her in her night clothes no less) was completely understandable. At any rate, she'd survived living in the woods before during survivial school-she was a Special Forces agent after all, and could adapt.

au, narnia

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