May 12, 2005 11:59
Hola amigo's and amiga's, For any of u who are wondering why i have not been to school in the past three days it is because i have bronchitis. It really sux, my whole body hurts, it hurts to breath and i have to breath, i went to the doctor yesterday because i had a 102.5 fever and they gave me three different kinds of medicine and ordered me to stay home and rest for two days and if i dont feel better than i have to go back. Soo today i am high on medication and my head is spinning, and i can hardly hear. I still have a 102 fever but thanx to wonderful medicine the affects of my illness i do not feel anymore(i sound like yoda) It sux cuz yearbook distribution is today and i wont be there, and tomorrow is the comedy show and me and rice have a DEPs function to go to, but unless i my fever goes away i wont be going, also wet n' wild is on sat. I better be able to go, plus i have drill on sun. But yeah talk to you guys later, my head is spinning and it is really hard to look at the screen. Peace out