Apr 20, 2010 00:11

This is the FAQ! Any general questions will be answered here! If you have any questions that haven't been answered in the information provided or here in the FAQ, then you can post your questions in the comments below or even get a hold of us. We'll be glad to answer any questions you may have.

Q: Can our character keep all of their powers?
A: Yes! They certainly can! There's no restriction on their powers, either. However, if your character decides to blow something up, mug somebody, or kill somebody, or commit a crime abusing their abilities in any way, they will be thrown in jail for a certain amount of time. Crime does not go unpunished here. And the law enforcement can overcome your character with power restricting handcuffs and prison cells.

Q: What about animal characters? Do I have to personify them?
A: With characters like Sonic the Hedgehog and crew, they are already slightly humanoid and won't require any change. But if you're applying someone like Simba from the Lion King, then he will need a personified form.

Q: Can I play as a Pokemon?
A: No, since they're more like pets than anything else and don't really have personalities of their own (YMMV).

Q: Okay, so what about Digimon?
A: Only if you're willing to play both their partner and the Digimon themselves. Digimon cannot effectively live amongst the common people without a bit of help from their partners who would be the only ones that can really get jobs.

Q: What if my character has something attached to them, like a demon?
A: You can play both the character and the demon on the same journal. Something like Left Hand for the character Vampire Hunter D would fit here. Other add on characters, if they do not qualify for a journal of their own, can also be added on with permission, but only if they are always around/attached to that character. If you're unsure, feel free to ask a mod!

Q: What if my character dies?
A: They can be killed or die three times before the healing cleric that brings people back says "Screw this" and doesn't bring them back anymore. Thus the character would need to be dropped. :( This is to prevent needless character suicide. Though, the only known exception would be Itoshiki Nozomu from Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei who canonly tries to kill himself daily.

Q: Can I choose what region my character goes to?
A: Unfortunately, no. They're assigned a region upon arrival! We do have a system we use, and of course, its always possible to move in the future!

Q: Can my character venture beyond Solaur-Eclipse?
A: Yes, but they'll die. Cthulhu is everywhere....waiting. ఠ_ఠ

Q:So this journal thingy....
A: Just imagine you have a magical diary. Whatever you write, everyone else can see and people can respond back in writing. There are no video or voice posts because it's just a journal. Paper, pen, and magic.

Q: Then what do my icons look like to people? Are they just there because everyone loves icons?
A:Just imagine a postage stamp of your face with those expressions and that's what it would look like to your characters commenting back and forth.

Q: What about journal hacking?
A: It's a journal, there's nothing technical to hack. Unless you steal that person's journal and read it's contents, you can't "hack".

Q: How do I filtered posts? Stop speaking in /b/, Anthea.
A: You can't. Send postage to everyone you want to see what you want to write.

Q: Why? What's postage?
A: It's a magical journal. There are no technical aspects in which you can filter people out. And postage is just sending people letters whether it's via their "mail box" for just a few people or a "Postage Post" if you're excluding only a couple people from your message.

Q:What's a "Postage Post"?
A: It's just a post on your character's journal that's a message mailed out to everyone. Just specify that it's a postage post and not a journal entry.

Q: Can I have more than five characters?
A: If we see that you can handle more than five characters and still be as equally active with them, then sure! Just contact us first for permission.

Q: How do canon updates work? Can I do them?
A: Sure! You can canon update all you want! As long it's not for every single chapter for a series like Naruto. Use your own judgment on that. And if you choose to canon update, you can have your character slip into a coma-like state for three days, then wake up with new information!

Q:What do my characters do while I'm on hiatus?
A: If your character is wealthy, they can go on a lone vacation. If they're hard-working they can just have some time off. You can have another mun godmode them if you would like. You can have them slip, fall, bust their head open, and be knocked into a coma. We don't care. Make something up,that's not death.

Q: What if I'm picking up a dropped character? Do I have to continue their legacy?
A: You can have their memories wiped spot clean. It's easier for you as the player that way. If they were running a bakery, they can forget all about it and start a hardware store if they want to. It's your character and how you portray them.

Q: Pets, can my characters arrive with them?
A: Small animals can arrive with you when you wake up. Like, in your shirt or something. The larger animals like horses, cows, tigers, cthulhu need to be found within your province. They're waiting for you somewhere out there.

Q: Are OCs allowed?
A: Yes we do! There is an OC application available on the application page, which will have. We do not allow OCs from other canon's however (so no made-up ninjas from Naruto, no wizards from Harry Potter, etc). The OC application has strict requirements, but if you're heart is set on an OC, do your best!


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