Authors... Seriously?!

Jul 13, 2010 08:40

Why do authors do this? It makes no sense!

I think I have finally found my biggest peeve on this planet! It usually takes a lot to irritate me, but this, this was... UGH!!!

Why O Authors why do you write a story, leave it to mildew for YEARS, update and then RANT that people aren't reviewing and you'll give up on the story if you don't get more reviews? I mean, seriously!?

Okay, I understand that life happens and sometimes you can't finish posting a story as quickly as you would like and that's totally understandable! Life is a bitch! But what pisses the crap right out of me is when they - instead of updating an old story - start a new one! I mean COME ON!

I see if the juice for that story died and you can't wrap your head around continuing right now or whatever, but can you at least express that on the authors note? I know you know how to use it! You bitch enough on it! But it annoys me when I get all hooked up in a story, get all excited about the next chapter and then it doesn't come for another 5yrs (exaggeration). By this time, the plot is lost to me, I have no idea why such and such is happening and I get frustrated and need to go back and reread the entire lot all over again. This wouldn't be a problem if the gaps between the posts weren't every few decades. The time it would take me to reread a story 80yrs old now, I could read something new and finished. So, this said, now you know why you don't get enough reviews -- because people don't want to have to reread something they've already forgotten!!! It honestly does only take 2secs to post somewhere, anywhere that you are having some Muse issues, but the story isn't abandoned/forgotten and for the love of all that is holy, please don't go posting 6 other stories that you're not going to finish either. There is nothing more irritating than an author that has 20 incomplete stories and not a single complete one!

*Inhales a deep, calming breath*

Okay, I'm done!

Thank you for those who read this! I temporary lost it, but am aces now! :D


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